Deth Wizards – Preparing the Buildings
Further progress on Deth Wizards, as we're starting to assemble the buildings. A lot of them have wooden beams in ground floor and to prevent issues with supports while printing, these are separate parts.
And Dark Realms Forge took care of that in good way, by numbering the beams.
I simply used super glue, as it was the easiest accessible for me. I know some people have certain filament glues to bond bigger pieces (or more or less melt / weld them together). Mostly they have a tight fit, but in some cases, I'll need to retouch the areas to fill in the gaps.
Deth Wizards – They not just hunger, they are thirsty as well
In addition to the regular houses and shops (and their ruins) from the Briarwood range, we were looking for a show piece for the table. Not necessarily for Deth Wizards per se, as the table setup is rather compact with 30 by 22 inch, but for the overall set.
And the largest piece from the Briarwood range is the Leaping Frog Inn, which is also available as a ruined terrain piece, but due to its size, is split into several smaller pieces around 15 by 15 cm.
Warmaster – A fortified Manor
A while ago, I fixed a mistake I did even a longer time ago - I treated myself to the Fortified Manor. This came out around the late 2000's, in June 2007 to be exactly (shown in White Dwarf #330). I wasn't even a student when it was released and the price was 40 GBP / 59,95 EUR, and stumbled across it a few years later in our local wargaming store when I think it was around 70-80-ish euros and for that money you got a whole Battle Force back then. Besides, I didn't had the room for a gaming table so stocking up on terrain wasn't my priority.
Yet, the item got discontiniued and what made this set special, was that it was not just a combination of the chapel and tower, but had an exclusive sprue with parts to connect the two buildings, and that would create quite the price surge in the years. So seeing the manor on ebay for 200 to 300 Euros wasn't uncommon, and they sold for that price, which made it worse. I was not going to pay that amount of money and would simple sit it out - and I was proven right, as I had the chance to pick up two copies from their re-release in January at 75 EURs each.
But why did you get greedy and bought two? Well, the tower and the chapel are more than 90 EURs if you just buy them, making it cheaper to go for the manor and you even get the fences and exclusive sprue free on top as well.
So, yeah, we got it, Dennis, you made a bargain, but there is Warmaster in the headline. So what does this mean? I get to that directly. As written above, the 2nd hand market pricing, showed there was a demand for that kit, and while there were some alternatives, somebody went very close - as close possible and made a crowdfunding campaign for a digital copy.
Deth Wizards – The call of the Undead
Decisions were made, bases were chosen and prepared. I used spackle to clean up any holes in the bases, like the slots and casting aids.
And I went with the tactical stone for Krell. I am thinking about glueing the tabs to the inside of the bases of the two heroes.
Deth Wizards – Barricades and Markers
We talked about the buildings for our little town for Deth Wizards, but no we need to add a bit here and there, to add details.
The buildings themself are from the Briarwood range by Dark Realm, and they do have their own set of scatter terrain, but I wanted more or let's say different things.
What really inspired me, were the barricades build for Mordheim (Town Cryer issue 03) and the skirmish games in the Generals Compandium / Warhammer Skirmish.
Deth Wizards – There is something odd about this town…
The Deth Wizards table is a group project. While some participate with their own warband, like Dino is painting up his undead, and I am gathering in an Middlehammer theme around Heinrich Kemmler, Florian contributes with terrain.
As we wanted to be flexible with the terrain and not locked in just with Deth Wizards, we looked up various ranges on MyMinifactory and Cults and ended up at Dark Realms and their Briarwood range. That wouldn't just work with Deth Wizards, but Mordheim, Middlehammer Empire, Frostgrave and to some extend even Turnip and beyond.
Last year, while I was looking for terrain files for Warmaster, I came across Dark Realms and I bought the Castle Argent files, but subscribed to the tribe as well, giving me access to some of the Briarwood houses and ruins, and we went with House #1 for a test print, to see if it would work. Florian used his new Bambu Lab A1 and used Bambu PLA filament (some say it's repacked Sunlu or Esun PLA+).
The buildings are split into different floors and you can take of the roof as well. There are smaller detail parts as separate pieces, to not create a problem with overhands. The fit is impressive and the overall quality by the Bambu print is incredible. This very close to a plaster or resin cast, but much more durable and weighs significantly less.
The Silver Bayonet – Spain 1810
Most people when they think about the Napoleonic Wars, they think about the Battle of Austerlitz, Trafalgar or Waterloo, but quite a long period of the war was fought on the Iberian Pensinular, in Portugal and Spain, but if you want to have a quick intro, there are three YouTube videos bringing you up to speed in different levels of depth:
- History Matters - Why did Napoleon betray Spain? (3m 23s)
- Feature History - The Peninsular War (12m 14s)
- Epic History - The Peninsular War (19m 50s)
But why of all conflicts the Iberian theatre of war? This would give me the chance to re-use some of the mediterranean terrain that I have for Bolt Action and the Crusades, and I like using terrain across multiple settings, as it saves room and time.
And this project idea brewed for quite some time on the back burner. It is no secret, I am a fan of the works of Paul Hicks, and at some point I was made aware that he sculpted Napoleonics, but not just any Napoleonics, but the 95th rifles, a unit from an old tv-show with Sean Bean, where he actually sees the end of the day to film 16 episodes over 15 years - we're talking about Sharpe.
Age of Sigmar Warcry – Kruleboyz Murknob with Beltcha-Banna
Not just the Stormcasts should have a banner to rally around, but the Kruleboyz as well. For that reason I picked up a Murknob with Beltcha-Banna.
This one is from the same Dominion Starter set from 2021, the third edition of Age of Sigmar, as the Knight-Vexilor, and is currently available as part of the Kruleboyz / Orruk Warclans Spearhead.
Star Wars Shatterpoint – Vent Building
We had a good time with the last kit we build from the Star Wars Shatterpoint terrain range, the Maintenance Bay Terrain Pack, and have an eye on the upcoming releases. And while I have the two other sets, High Ground and Take Cover, I was missing a single building, that is exclusive to the Starterset.
While that is a real good bargain, with two starter warbands and a lot of terrain, I want to use this terrain with my Legions miniatures and wasn't interested in the other items from that set, so I went on the second hand market and picked up the Vent Building on its own. The other terrain items from the Shatterpoint Starterset are the same as in the High Ground Terrain Pack.
We have a few sprues and as usual the assembly instruction can be downloaded from the Atomic Mass Games website, and I put them on my tablet.
Quick removal of the parts from the sprue. A bit of clean up where the parts connect to the frame, but beyond that very little mould lines to clean up.
Warhammer 40,000 – Converting the Space Marine Terminators
Last year I showed you the new Space Marine Terminator Squad, in updated scale and Indomitus pattern armour. And those were build with the intention of use in Space Hulk, as written last July as well. As I pointed out, a few options and poses were missing to fulfill all roles needed to play the different campaigns.
As a TLDNR sum up, there is the core game of Space Hulk and further campaigns, making use of the Terminator variant boxed sets for Dark Angels or Space Wolves, and I wanted to re-create this more Codex Astartes compliant with Sons of Dorn, the Imperial Fists. By using the parts from the Terminator Squad plastic kit and further sprues, among others from the Deathwing Assault set, I went on to convert the Terminator miniatures for the weapon load outs, that I would need to cover the extended gaming material.
While could build most of what we need, especially for the Space Hulk core set and Ultramarines campaign from the vanilla Terminator squad, there are still a few poses open.
From the Dark Angels campaign Bringer of Sorrow, we would need the third Terminator with a special weapon, in this case the Plasma Cannon, as we covered the heavy flamer with the multi-part squad and the assault cannon from Leviathan.