
Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VII

As with the last update on January 29th, the main objective was to get these battle ready (as "defined" in the White Dwarf tutorials lately), meaning something functional that would count as painted without causing me shame while gaming.

I managed to get through with the reavers early last week, leaving me with the Warlord Titan finished on wednesday. While I underestimated the smaller titans while building them (meaning glueing the armour panels to the bodies), I had a pretty good estimation on the Warlord, leaving all armour panels off until painting as well as using build groups for easier handling. I still am not a big fan of the Greedy Gold and will very likely either replace it or mix in a yellowish-brown for better coverage the next time I use this colour.

Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VII Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VII Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VII


Blood Bowl – Mordheim Marauders Part 6

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's get ready to fumble! The first team of the CBL is ready - the Mordheim Marauders are here!

Blood Bowl - Mordheim Marauders

I have prepared a full roster for the Chaos Team, with 16 players, covering 10 beastmen and 4 chaos warriors incl. mutations, as well as two Star Players, using the classic miniatures from the 1994s Chaos All Stars team, released for the 3rd edition of Blood Bowl.


Blood Bowl – Mordheim Marauders Part 4

Getting closer to the completion of the first Chaosbunker Blood Bowl League (CBL) franchise, the Mordheim Marauders. And it was time for Groundskeeper Willie to do something about the turf.

Blood Bowl - Mordheim Marauders


Mortal Gods – Veteran

Ha! I finally managed to finish painting up the Veteran of the Corinthians. I admit, so close to the end of the month I hardly believed it, but two undisturbed evenings later I brought my usual color scheme to the mini quite quickly.

Mortal Gods - Veteran Mortal Gods - Veteran


Mortal Gods – Hoplite Tutorial

The first of my Corinthian hoplites is painted and I am quite satisfied with the result. Since I might divide the Corinthians and the mercenaries of my army into two independent factions and would also like to have an army of Zeus, I deliberately based the color choice on the centaur.

Mortal Gods - Corinthians

This way I can use the hoplites later equally as Corinthians or Olympians. I also gave the hoplite two swords instead of a spear and shield. This falls more into the category of artistic freedom, but it breaks up a bit of a too-similar image of the models on the gaming table.


Mortal Gods – Greek Archers

There you go, the last two archers are done and so is the matching squad. Besides the usual snapshots of the models, this time I also read a bit about the troop type itself. I often see this when Dennis shows off a few of his models and thought I'd give it a try as well.

Mortal Gods - Greek Archers Mortal Gods - Greek Archers


Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 10

Didn't I say I'd be painting more in October? Well, it worked out well this time, as I unexpectedly had a bit more time than I originally thought. So I finally managed to finish painting the regiment of mercenaries that I had started so long ago.

Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 10 Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 10

Diamachos' mercenary squad is thus complete and brings a coherent picture to the table. From left to right: Glaukos, Patrobos and Sfairon, the experienced peltasts in the posse. Then Diamachos, the fearless leader, and Dromeas, the young and yet inexperienced newcomer among them.


Twelve months, 20,- Euros – Part 5

May is over and as expected I haven't had that much free time due to my new job. But as the saying goes, sometimes class counts more than mass. Following this motto, I managed relatively early in the month to paint my leader for the troop of Greek mercenaries and Corinthians.

Mortal Gods - Diamachos Mortal Gods - Diamachos

Since he got a completely new miniature, I also gave him a new name: Diamachos. The name is derived from the greek word for quarrel (diamachi) and is supposed to represent that this fearless mercenary captain lives from the conflict of others.


Twelve months, 20,- Euros – Part 4

The good news first: I found a new job and am more relaxed about that issue now. On the other hand, of course, this means that I have to concentrate on learning the routine and, at the same time, my hobby time is melting away.

So, I'm not surprised that I easily stayed within my hobby budget in April and again only painted one miniature. Since I was somehow not satisfied with the first iteration of Dromeas, I painted another model with the same background story in mind.

Mortal Gods - Mercenary


Mortal Gods: Zombie Reinforcements

Hard to believe, but the reinforcements for my Army of Hades are ready. The army shown here is the standard game size of 300 points and in given time we will also talk a bit about the composition of the army, since I will, of course, eventually bring the army to 500 points.

Mortal Gods - Zombie Reinforcements

For now, however, 300 points are enough, since I also want to paint my mortal army. When I add mythical troops to it, both factions will grow to the size intended for Mythic.