
Deth Wizards – Preparing the Buildings

Further progress on Deth Wizards, as we're starting to assemble the buildings. A lot of them have wooden beams in ground floor and to prevent issues with supports while printing, these are separate parts.

And Dark Realms Forge took care of that in good way, by numbering the beams.

Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Houses and Shops Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Houses and Shops

I simply used super glue, as it was the easiest accessible for me. I know some people have certain filament glues to bond bigger pieces (or more or less melt / weld them together). Mostly they have a tight fit, but in some cases, I'll need to retouch the areas to fill in the gaps.

During that step I had the chance to take an even closer look upon the interior and I am really stunned by the level of detail you can print with a filament printer nowadays.

Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Houses and Shops Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Houses and Shops Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Houses and Shops Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Houses and Shops

With the Leaping Frog Inn there are a lot of them, so I am quite happy about the numbering, as you have around 15 to 20 pieces per side. At first I was worried, that there would be beams missing, but they skip certain numbers to align with the other side.

Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Leap Frog Inn Ruins Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Leap Frog Inn Ruins Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Leap Frog Inn Ruins Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Leap Frog Inn Ruins

My biggest "challenge", was actually glueing the larger modules together and closing the gaps, as I am not familiar with PLA prints of that size in general. But I remembered, that you could use baking powder and super glue (something that was often used with larger Forge World resin kits) and to reduce the mess of super glue, I used a sheet of baking paper beneath to capture any drips and such.

Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Leap Frog Inn Ruins Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Leap Frog Inn Ruins Dark Realm Forge - Briarwood Leap Frog Inn Ruins

This will need further touch up, but I'll do that probably with some sand, rubble and other fitting things, you would find in a ruin. And that is something I can do during painting. Am I happy? Absolutely, but a bit troubled, as it is bigger than I anticipated and I am not quite sure how to store it. But that is something I really have to look into after the convention.

Posted by Dennis B.

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