Age of Sigmar – Realmscape Terrain
Part of the terrain items from the Stormbringer subscription (issue 55 to be exact) was a sprue of the Realmscape terrain from Age of Sigmar, in this case half of the Domicile Shell. This is meant to be part of the settlements, that the forces of order are building on new realms or reclaimed areas.
The sprues and other complementing pieces were used in various starter sets and expansions. This particular sprue came often with a variant B that would create a medium sized building in progress, along with two statues. We will see the statues in the Stormbringer subscription as well (in issue 65 and 74), but from my understand not the second wall sprue but another copy of this one in issue #69.
With this massive sprue, we can build an L or rather U-shaped ruin. It comes with quite some additional pieces to enhance the amount of detail and not just making it a flat ruin, but provide some depth. Casting is good, reasonable amount of detail and a lot of parts you can easily dry brush. The mould lines are present, but that is usually the case with the terrain due to the thickness of the parts.
I prepped the pieces, removed the mould lines and sorted them into groups. Then I started building the L-shape and scaffolding. As you can see the walls are connected by a tongue-and-grove technique, which provides a very sturdy grip and aids the alignment, along with a stronger bond for the glue. From there you add the tools or partially build pieces, wooden struts and such. While it is stable, depending on your storing capacities and how often you move your terrain, you might consider basing this item.
The final build is quite tall and wide, as you can see here in comparison with some of the Age of Sigmar miniatures. And once again, for the 11 EURs Stormbringer costs, this is certainly a proper deal and if you fancy a medium sized terrain piece, that could work with other Fantasy-Settings as well, for example Frostgrave, simply grab it.
Last year, when Skaventide was released as the new Age of Sigmar starter set, I grabbed myself the terrain sprue from that kit. Well, actually I was buying Warhounds for Adeptus Titanicus, shipping was 7 EUR and I could spend 10 EUR on this sprue instead and get free shipping, so I got this sprue.
These are the same Realmscape walls, but heavily corroded and captured by the Skaven, who made it their home, fixed some of the battle damage in their own way and added graffiti to it. It is another massive sprue with two small L-shaped walls and two smaller scatter terrain pieces. Mould lines were quite present, but that is just how it is, but the amount of detail is impressive for terrain.
I prepared these pieces as well. Cleaned them up and sorted them. As I didn't have the instructions at hand, I went on google and usually you find something in the WarhammerInstruction subreddit. Assembly went quite fast. I might need to touch up some of the smaller gaps, but that certainly won't take up to much time.
And this set as well, provides quite the foot print and cover for your miniatures. And both combined very much create a decent amount of terrain for smaller skirmishers, and at 20 EUR that is nothing to argue about.
As I do have some of the Warcry starter sets, these will round up that collection and depending on the size of the game, I can clutter the table if I need to. I really like the design of these pieces and am looking forward to the Guardian Idols in the upcoming Stormbringer issues.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer is distributed by Hachette Collections
The reviewed product item was provided by the manufacturer.
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