
Deth Wizards – The call of the Undead

Decisions were made, bases were chosen and prepared. I used spackle to clean up any holes in the bases, like the slots and casting aids.

And I went with the tactical stone for Krell. I am thinking about glueing the tabs to the inside of the bases of the two heroes.

Deth Wizards - The call of the Undead Deth Wizards - The call of the Undead Deth Wizards - The call of the Undead Deth Wizards - The call of the Undead

After letting the spackle set, I added sand to the bases. Using me "Neverending-Tupperware-Container-of-Basing-Sand" (tm) ... honestly, I nicked that one from my mom when I moved out 20+ years ago and still have that thing filled with sand.

Deth Wizards - The call of the Undead

While I went a bit thick on the second coat of PVA and paint the last time with a warband, I thinned down some PVA with black paint to secure the sand in place, and let that dry thoroughly.

Deth Wizards - The call of the Undead Deth Wizards - The call of the Undead

After that I mounted the warband to my trusty Citadel Priming Stick - I am so happy about this tool - and gave the entire set a proper coat of flat black, followed up with a light grey dry brush to highlight the details of the miniatures and prepare them for the upcoming painting.

Deth Wizards - The call of the Undead

I am going to give this tutorial a try, but I am certainly thinking about using the contrast paints, like Skeleton Horde, followed up with Agrax Earthshade and add some highlights. I'll have to try that out as well, I guess.

White Dwarf Issue 19 German July 1997

The clock is running, I have to make some progress to prevent a rather stressful April, along with the terrain that is in the works too.

Posted by Dennis B.

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