
Age of Sigmar – Stormcast Eternals Xandire’s Truthseekers

It has been a while since we covered an Underworlds warband here. We did a review on the 2023 generic starter set and the last time we covered one of the seasons, was with Beastgrave in 2020. Within the Stormbringer subscription, we already had a couple of warbands, just without the cards, like Mollog's Mob, Zarbag's Gitz and others that yet have to be released like Thundriks Profiteers or Ironskull's Boyz.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 10 Warhammer Underworlds - Xandire's Truthseeker

With Xandire's Truthseekers we see another warband re-released within Stormbringer, it was part of German issue 10 in March 2024, but initially part of the 2021 season Harrowdeep and a year later re-released in Rivals of Harrowdeep aling with Nethermaze, against Da Kunning Krew. In case of the Stormbringer release, the warband is released without the cards.

Warhammer Underworlds - Harrowdeep 2021 Coreset Warhammer Underworlds - Rivals of Harrowdeep Warhammer Underworlds - Card Decks

The rules for the use of the Truthseekers within Age of Sigmar were available for download through the Warhammer Community, but it got lost when they redesigned the website (like many other files). The Rules for their use in warcry were released in White Dwarf #477, June 2022.

The miniatures are the same as in the initial release, the only difference is the colour of the sprue / plastic, as that was blue in the initial Underworlds release and now is regular gray.

Warhammer Underworlds - Xandire's Truthseeker

The sprues are packed densely as usual with Underworlds, and it is important to point out that the miniatures are push-fit, so you don't necessarily need glue to assemble them but it is recommended. And Underworlds warbands come with sculpted bases, that are part of the sprue.

Age of Sigmar - Stormbringer Stormcast Eternals Xandires Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormbringer Stormcast Eternals Xandires Truthseekers

Xandire's Truthseekers is a Stormcast Eternal warband of three and an animal companion, all packed in this double sprue.

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers

The leader of the Truthseekers is Calthia Xandire. She is armed with a broadsword and also wields the Lantern Astrala, a relic of old Azyr. An interesting pose for a leader, as we're not having the usual weapon wielding, but something more along an adventurer.

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers
Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers

The second model is Dhoraz Giant-Fell. As he wields a Great Hammer, he is most likely a Liberator Prime.

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers

Luxa Stormbrider is the third in the band, armed with a Stormcaller Bow and belongs to the Vigilors.

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers

Her familiar is Taros, an Aetherwing. These birds belong to the Azyrite beasts, and often are used by the Stormcast as hunting beasts.

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers

The trio (or quartet if you count in the bird) is a nice characterful bunch. Their size is among the newer models, like the Praetors, smaller than the Annihilators, but bigger than regular humans and the first Liberators.

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers

And some shots from different angles.

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Xandire's Truthseekers


The models themself are currently out of stock, but available through the back catalogue via Hachette and or as part of the Warcry Blood of Crypt starter. An Underworlds warband is nowadays priced at 35 EURs, so the price through the magazine at 10,99 EUR is a no-brainer and if you fancy at least one of the sculpts, go for it!

Beyond that, even at 35 EURs it is still a good deal, as you get three characters that you can at least use as champions in their units, make for proper leaders for skirmishers / small forces and a regular Stormcast character starts at least at 25 EURs for a single miniature.

Assembly wasn't a problem. On some of the organic surfaces is the removal of mould lines a bit time consuming, and I highly recommend not assembling them by push-fit, but to remove the pins and glue them properly as you would do with a multi-part kit.

In case you want to get more inspiration on not painting golden Stormcast, there's a great tutorial by Mengel Miniatures on Warhammer Community, having them painted as Anvils of the Heldenhammer.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer is distributed by Hachette Collections

The reviewed product item was provided by the manufacturer.

Posted by Dennis B.

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