Age of Sigmar Warcry – Stormcast Eternals Knight-Incantor Regis Fulbringer
Not everything for the Warcry warband was used from the Stormbringer subscription, some items were sourced differently. For example I picked up Regis Fulbringer with the Getting Started with Age of Sigmar magazine - along time ago around 2018-2020. And then again, after that magazine was sold out, trough the Arena Mortis supplement for Warhammer Underworlds during the Beastgrave season.
Regis Fulbringer is a Knight-Incantor, and can as such be used in a Warcry warband of the Stormcast Eternals Sacrosant Chamber (or allied for others).
The model is designed to fit in a small sprue, without a sculpted base, just some levitating stones.
Regis comes with a regular 40mm round base, with pre-drilled connectors for the push-fit models. He does not have any options, for example a helmeted head or alternative weapon.
Assembly of the six pieces was very quickly done. A bit of clean up was needed, to remove the mould lines and make sure the gaps between the parts are closed, as push-fit models might have trouble on the last few tenths of a millimeter. I loaded the picture into Photoshop and moved the colours around a bit, as red is the main colour of my warband, and they look a bit like (pre-heresy) Blood Angels, I took orientation from the librarians of their chapter (meaning taking blue into consideration for magic users).
I am not finally sold, if I shouldn't replace the bare head with a helmeted one, I should have a spare with one of the Vindictors, or maybe Sanguinary Guard / Blood Angels Upgrade Pack. We'll see.
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