Adeptus Titanicus – The Dark Mechanicum stalks…
We've covered the Dark Mechanicum units for Legions Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus, and the smaller Stalker Constructs "only" include two of each of the three different constructs, so I went for a second box to boost them up to four per unit.
It was important to me, to swap around the legs and poses as much as possible, to create the most variety from that set. With the Scintillax "Cyclops" Noospheric Stalker and Tenebrax "Archer" Battle Stalker, that wasn't the biggest issue as they have weapons options and that alone prevented them from being a clone army.
But the Errax "Butcher" Assault Stalker had the same "tentacles" for each model, so I gently bent them in different positions. Emphasis on gently, as you don't want the white stress marks. Along with the different leg poses, that provided quite the menacing final result.
But I want to swap them from the Legions Imperialis bases to the classic Citadel bases, to fit in with the remainder of my Adeptus Titanicus knights and titans.
To achieve that, I went on a shopping spree at a bits shop and bought a big bag of round bases, 40mm and larger, and here is my traitor appendix of Dark Mechanicum stalkers.
But I want to add a bit of debris, casualties and such to the bases. Yet, these should fit into the larger theme of the Legio Magna and other traitor forces, and I am not yet sure, if these will have the same aesthetics as the Legio Astraman.
Beyond that I am still reading on the lore on Dark Mechanicum, there isn't that much available compared to the titan legions and such. This certainly provides me with more creative freedom, but I want to make sure to understand the framework of their story / idea, so that my narrative connects in a fitting way.
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