
Legions Imperialis – Converting the Termite Assault Drills

While covering the Termite Assault Drills last August, I further altered the built and captured it in pictures, but didn't come around earlier to write an article about it. You can stretch the eight models per box by a bit, if you grab a hobby saw.

Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills

The Assault Drills breach from the ground or into it, and by that you get the perfect idea to build them that way.

Wargames Exclusive has a model of a Mole Assault Drill breaching/emerging, that is a good inspiration.

Wargames Exclusive - Cults of Mars Mole Assault Drill Emerging Wargames Exclusive - Cults of Mars Mole Assault Drill Emerging

But first of all, we need to build the second half of the box, as we get four per sprue and build them in the regular way. Just leaving the doors and bolters off, as we will add them later in the according way.

Legiones Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills Legiones Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills

With a hobby saw, I use the old one by Army Painter, cut the assembled Assault Drills near the middle but in an angle, between 30 to 45°.

I put them on flat Renedra bases, as these fit the aesthetics of the Legions Imperialis bases the best, and I tried different sides but went for the 40mm rounds, as they provide the best coverage for the size of the models and nobody could argue modelling for advantag. I got cork bits in various sizes, which would recreate the excavated soil in a proper way.

Legiones Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills Legiones Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills Legiones Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills Legiones Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Termite Assault Drills

By doing this you could maximize the output of this kit, up to 16 assault drills, but honestly, anything around 10 to 12 is enough in my opinion.

Posted by Dennis B.

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  1. Love it. 8 identical ones in a box is too boring, this is much better! GW should’ve done it.

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