
Warmaster – Small Settlements to fight over

We are talking about Warmaster again and after printing a whole week of tiny skeletons, I wanted to add some terrain to the table. While I have generic terrain like hills and trees, I thought about a small town or settlement, that could be used as a point of interest or scenario objective.

Not everything, but a lot of terrain can be scaled down to 40% to fit Warmaster, and as I wanted to have a small settlement, that could be used with Bretonnians as well as Undeads, I searched for some more rugged, run-down buildings, that could house either rather poor peasants or corrupted minions of the undead. And the Slum huts by Infinite Dimenions Games would be perfect for that!

Infinite Dimenions Games - Slum Shacks

Initially I intended to print the shacks A, B, C and the Slum Tenement A, but the last one would take 5 (!) print plates on my printer, so I decided to just go for the three shacks, and as you can see above, these already provide a bit of a foot print.

They scaled down very well and kept a lot of the detail even at 40%, while still being sturdy enough. I love the interior, yet we won't see that much of it, but I think i'll keep the roofs seperate in case I want to hide a dice or some scenario piece (like a treasure) in there.

Infinite Dimenions Games - Slum Shacks Infinite Dimenions Games - Slum Shacks

The three houses will make for a nice settlement, maybe add a crossing in the middle and as I said, work great with the Warmaster scale and both armies, the Bretonnians and Vampire Counts alike.

Infinite Dimenions Games - Slum Shacks Infinite Dimenions Games - Slum Shacks

To add a bit of further detail to the small settlement, I added Dark Realms - Briarwood Street Scatter, yet the Slum Huts mega bundle covers a bit of scatter as well, like carts and such. I might print these in full scale for our Deth Wizards table.

Infinite Dimenions Games - Slum Shacks Infinite Dimenions Games - Slum Shacks

I already bought the files for the larger castle and fortress walls from Dark Realms, which will be printed in FDM/PLA, as that is just too big for resin. But I have my eye on the Silver Haven buildings, maybe go for a wizard tower, light house or obelisk for High Elves, and what I'd like to add is the Outpost at 40%, to recreate the Fortified Manor in Warmaster scale.

Currently I am thinking if it would make sense to put these buildings on bases to strengthen the durability for gaming, and maybe add some road segments, but that isn't the biggest issue in that scale.

Posted by Dennis B.

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