Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 38 to 43
The eight shipment of of the german Stormbringer magazine by Hachette arrived on Thursday, October 17th, including the issues #38 to #43 and in our case the optional bonus miniatures of the Skaven Warlock Bombardier. This issue is a wild mix of Age of Sigmar factions. But more on that further below.
You can find an overview on the issues so far over here, along with the detailed unboxings of older shipments as well:
- Stormbringer issues 01 to 03
- Stormbringer issues 04 to 07
- Stormbringer issues 08 to 13
- Stormbringer issues 14 to 19
- Stormbringer issues 20 to 25
- Stormbringer issues 26 to 31
- Stormbringer issues 32 to 37
Those of you who read the older articles or are subscribers themself, know already that you receive the magazine pages for the binder in a single block, with the miniatures and further content in individual bags.
The optional bonus content, in this case the Skaven character was bagged individually, and will be covered further below after the "regular" content. What does optional mean in this context? In the last shipment, we got a letter, informing us about the miniature and you have to opt out to not receive him.
There are two seperate print parts, one if a fold out covering the Armies of Chamon, giving us a heads up on the Kharadron Overlords, who will be included in one of the upcoming issues (premium shipment #3 and individual miniatures starting with issue #53), along with another gaming matt to expand our foldable play field.
Let us start with the individual issues. With Issue #38 we get another batch of Vindictors, just like we did in Issue #03. Street date was October 9th.
We get the same sprues like the last time, so three small ones covering a few bits and optional pieces (mostly bare heads / helmets). This is half a set of Vindictors, the regular box covers 10 models at 47,50 EUR. So with 23,75 EUR face value we still manage to get around 50% off by buying it through the magazine.
With the magazine itself, we get the alternative build options for this unit, which are a second pose for the prime, along with the other heads on the vindictors. What I really liked about this issue, was that we finally saw some information on the Stormbringer exclusive Stormhost, the Iron Thanes. I expected more information on them in general along with the releases.
The next magazine, Issue #39, from October 16th covers two paint pots - Athonian Camoshade and Reikland Fleshshade.
Usually the paint issues aren't the best deals, sometimes even having a negative discount, but with these two shades at 6,30 EUR each, we're having a small saving. The magazine itself covers the usage of these shades, which is a great thing and their mid-tones are very versatile, you can even see two showcases on them being used on the warbands so far. And beyond that we get a bit of lore, along with the name charts, that I really like as they provide a narrative / role-play vibe to the game.
In Issue #40 from October 23th, we get the first part of a larger model, the Spirit of Durthu.
This large monster / character from the Sylvaneth (Age of Sigmar Wood Elves) range is build from two larger sprues, which are split into issue 40 and 41, along with a larger 105mm oval base. The kit costs 62,50 EUR and gives you the option to build three different variants, a Treelord, a Treelord Ancient or the Charaktermodell Durthu.
As the content on Durthu is spread across two issues, we even get a bit of undead in this one, covering the Soulblight Gravelords in here, along with the initial info on the lore and building Durthu. Note the instructions only cover one variant. You can find the others online.
The second part of the Spirit of Durthu is relaased with Issue #41, from October 30th.
As you will find the sprue pictures above under issue 40, this magazine has the additional information on the Realm of Metal, which belongs to the fold out that was packed separately, along with painting the model and tipps on the technic of dry brushing.
A bit random is the content of Issue #42, which is released on November 6th. It is the former Warhammer Underworlds warband of Mollog's Mob.
We did a review of these miniatures when they were released as part of the Underworld Season Nightvault back in 2019. It is the same kit, the bases are part of the sprue and the plastic is just not tinted in light purple as it was back then. The old RRP was 22.50 EUR, nowadays the boxes are a bit more expensive. We don't have a proper value for comparison right now, as the entire game system receives a reboot. Anyhow even with the old price from 5 years ago we have savings of about 50%.
The magazine covers the regular information with a bit of lore, assembly and painting, but as this unit is not a regular unit from Age of Sigmar, you receive the warscrolls and even a scenario using Mollog in your games in this one.
The last regular magazine in this shipment is Issue #43 and provides a set of 5 Tree Revenants, and will be released on November 13th.
This is a two sprue kit with a RRP of 44 EUR, so solid savings on these. It is a proper multi-part plastic kit, with lots of weapon options along with an alternate build of Spite-Revenants (pictured above). As we will receive a second batch of these in the next shipment, we can build both variants.
This is a core piece of further Sylvaneth miniatures within Stormbringer, so we get collecting, building, painting and using these miniatures in the game.
And as mentioned further above, there is an optional bonus miniature in this shipment, a Skaven Warlock Bombadier. This does not connect with any of the other miniatures, just like the Ogor Tyrant a few issues back. It is more of a palette cleanser / additional taste.
It is a small sprue, and the miniature is available from Games Workshop as well, but at a RRP of 25 EUR, so you save about 50% with this kit.
The few pages cover the instruction and another photo backdrop, just like the Ogor Tyrant had. In case you don't have access to these pages, there is a free introduction on Warhammer Community on the same topic - How to Photograph Models for Display.
As usual, each issue covers a preview on the next two ones. As we receive bundles only the last preview for Issue #44 + #45 is of interest, covering two paints and fanatics.
The six issues of Age of Sigmar Stormbringer cost us 65,94 EUR (plus another 12 EUR for the premium upgrade and another 11 EUR for the optional Skaven miniature) and we got miniatures with a RRP of around 165 EUR (190 EUR with the Skaven). The next shipment should arrived towards the mid of November, with more Sylvaneth, Goblins and even terrain!
As mentioned further above, you can find an overview on the issues so far over here, along with the detailed unboxings of older shipments as well:
- Stormbringer issues 01 to 03
- Stormbringer issues 04 to 07
- Stormbringer issues 08 to 13
- Stormbringer issues 14 to 19
- Stormbringer issues 20 to 25
- Stormbringer issues 26 to 31
- Stormbringer issues 32 to 37
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer is distributed by Hachette Collections
The reviewed product item was provided by the manufacturer.
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