
Legions Imperialis – Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

Within the Mechanicum Battle Group for Legions Imperialis are not only infantry and walkers, but an armoured transport vehicle as well - the Triaros Armoured Conveyor as a squadron of four. We even recently covered the 32mm variant plastic kit from the Horus Heresy range on here as well.

Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

Currently only available as part of the Mechanicum Battle Group the Triaros Squadron will be available as a set of its own shortly. As usual we get two identical sprues, the instructions are part of the combined booklet and at least as part of the Battle Group it does not come with decals. But this was the case with any of the vehicle kits from the Legiones Astartes or Solar Auxilia, and if you ask me the icon on the side doors of the Triaros shown above are decals as well, so we might see these in a later release.

While the Mechanicum forces are known for a lot of Battle Automata and walkers, there are still tanks and other tracked vehicles in service, fulfilling various roles like battle tanks, self-propelled guns or transporters. In case of the Triaros Armoured Conveyor, known for transporting for example tech thralls or light automata into battle, it shares its chassis with the Karacnos Assault Tank, which we will be released for Legions Imperialis as well. Other tracked vehicles, like the Krios use a different chassis, but a similar design.

Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

Each sprue is properly used and packed to the limit. A good casting quality, minor to none mould lines and crisp details. Yet, only two Triaros per sprue, meaning you get a total of four of these at a currently RRP of 41 EUR in the upcoming individual boxed set. But due to the design and size of the model, there was no other way to produce this in a way that more miniatures would have fit into the available frame.

Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

We're going to build a single sprue in this case, and build them side by side, showing you details of the individual from different angles. You start with the main chassis, with the iconic front prow.

Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

To this lower hull the roof and smaller details for back and front are added. So far a really quick and easy build.

Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

And with that we add the very iconic side pieces, with the track section and large wheels in the rear. These are actually not glued in place, but could move freely. I just don't see the point of that, especially as once these are primed the pieces will stay in place just by friction of the layer of paint.

Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

Just a final step to go, to add a lot of these small details. The weapon systems are added and can be angled. The only optional piece in this built are the small rockets added to the engine cover. You might want to use tweezers with some of these bits, instead of adding them by hand. And another recommendation would be, due to the small size to not put the glue directly onto the pieces, but use a palette or piece of packaging, put a drop or two of plastic glue on there and then just briefly dip the piece into the glue before adding it to where it goes. This is a good method to control the amount of glue you want to use with smaller pieces.

Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

As for size, in direct comparison the Epic Scale it is 25% of the larger Horus Heresy model, and beside the Spartan (not pictured) the Triaros is currently one of the largest tracked transporter units in Legions Imperialis.

Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

You can see the various details they managed to transfer from the bigger kit into the smaller scale in the following pictures.

Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron Legions Imperialis - Mechanicum Triaros Squadron


Once again, a kit that really impressive by the amount of detail it covers and still has at this small scale. A very good fit and reasonably fast build, all in all a pleasant building experience. There is only one option for this kit to bring some variation into it, and that is the rocket launcher. Beyond that I feel like this is missing a decal sheet for vehicles.

I assume these will carry four bases of Tech-Thralls into battle, as they have a capacity of 22 miniatures in Horus Heresy and that would translate into this size, but we will know more once the book is available on november 2nd, the same day the Battle Group is available.

My only critic on this kit is the rather high retail of 41 EUR, if you buy them individually (currently not yet listed), but you get a discount if you get the Battle Group (~30%) which makes the price more reasonable.

The Horus Heresy and Legions Imperialis are brands by Games Workshop.

The reviewed product item was provided by the manufacturer.

Posted by Dennis B.

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