Adeptus Titanicus – House Moritain Ad Arma Pt. III
As the base decoration is dried and would be ready for further washes and dry brushing, I finished the trim and details on the models, it was time for further progress.
This meant a proper wash on both the bases and models. The later got a wash with Army Painter Dark Tone, but on a dampen surface, to use the capillary reaction of the water to bring in the pigments of the wash into the recesses.
The bases got a coat of Citadel Contrast Aggaros Dunes.
And I always find it impressive what a different a simple coat of wash does. It really makes the miniatures pop and it is so worth taking the time for a clean coat on the base paints.
So I moved on, adding the wash on all the knights and individual pieces. Let them dry, do a clean up with the thinned down base paint were necessary and prepared the miniatures to assemble.
I didn't do the highlights yet, nor the decals, but the tabletop-ready status was enough for the gaming weekend and to glue them together. For that I scratched the surfaced and removed the primer, so the plastic glue could bond the pieces together. And what shall I say, I really like the result so far.
I cleaned up the base trim with black, (I used P3 Thamar Black) and with that the miniatures would be ready for gaming. Further Knights will follow, and the chosen scheme will work well with the remaining back log and smaller Questoris Knights as well.
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