Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. XI
While I made progress on the Knights of House Moritain, it would be time to move on with the remaining Legio Astraman Reaver. I did the bases the same way as before, and added the two dry brushes after Citadel Contrast Aggaros Dunes dried. I used Army Painter Desert Yellow and Army Painter Skeleton Bone, and brushed it over the feet of the miniatures later as well.
As the armour plates were painted white and green, with the golden trim, I wanted to do the chevrons for some variation on left leg again and cut up some strips of masking tape and added the dark blue contrast in Citadel Base Paint Night Lords Blue. If you're not using an airbrush to do this, painting over the masking tape with the base colour creates cleaner edges, just like you would do on a wall.
And while I fixed the miniatures to the bases. I didn't do that on the models so far, I decided to magnetise the legs to the upper body, for easier transportation and be more flexible for the later detailing.
The Reaver doesn't provide this option right away, but you juse need to cut off the small dimple on the hips and replace it with a magnet. The groove on the other part is slightly to narrow at the bottom to properly insert the magnet there, but running along the inside with a file or cutter will take care of that. And after that, I had magnetized reavers. I did the same with the Warhounds, they didn't need any conversion, you just add the magnets.
After the initial Battle for Uulda I somehow lost the back plate of one of the reavers, and while I fixed that with a piece from another sprue, I noticed that he lost his left knee pad as well. Anyhow, I painted up both pieces. Especially the knee pad isn't a disaster, as you have a spare on each reaver. The back plate was more of an issue, but I'll convert one of the Traitor Reavers in a way, that I won't need that piece.
The reaver was battle ready, the base painted and only the name plates would be the to-do until the Battle for Uulda.
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Posted by Dennis B.
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