September 2024 review
Oh what a September it has been! Quite packed with travelling and that is not over in October either.
Right in the beginning of the month CRISIS! returned, and what a return it was. Proper weekend in the city of Antwerp, including meeting Tuomas Pirinen (and having my Mordheim book signed). Due to unplanned coincedences the festivities of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the city (Bevrijdingsdagen) were hold simultaneously . So lots and lots of World War 2 vehicles, people dressed as Allied forces and music was going on.
After a short break, I was on a business trip in Berlin for a few days and was able to cross something of my bucket list. I've been to Nottingham multiple times, I've even been to Wellington and saw the gigantic Gallipoli diorama, but I never managed to actually visit one of the most famous German miniature stores there is - Battlefield Berlin. I was amazed by the size of the store and the number of differenct wargaming products they offer. There are bigger fantasy stores, for sure, but this is a pure miniature store, not combined with comics or trading cards.
I'll cover my visit in an article of its own, just like we did with our trips to Düsseldorf or Würzburg.
And while we managed to squeeze in the Kill Team unboxing, with another article covering the terrain upcoming as well, we weren't able to cover the Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl team just yet, as it arrived only last thursday and I'm packed with finishing my Adeptus Titanicus miniatures for the upcoming Battle for Uulda.
But as I do own the classic Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl team, expect some proper nostalgia in the coverage and further special treatment by our Dino.
Some other things that we are working on, is the indepth coverage of the Stormbringer models. We build the Stormbringer Premium add-on Krondys, and the pictures are now edited, and waiting for some lines of text, the new premium shipment already arrived, and we will cover Gordrakk on Big Teef as well in a review of its own. Once again, very happy with the subscription and a nice regulary hobby loot drop.
My progress through the Horus Heresy audiobooks goes on, mostly thanks to longer road trips and painting sessions. I not only finished Vulkan Lives, but the next one The Unremembered Empire as well (a really interesting book, with a lot going on) and now just started Scars.
And I'd like to share this one, as I was gifted a Piñata Guitar for my 40th birthday, and they even put a Chaosbunker logo on the side. I was told to smash it to snack it, but I didn't have the heart to destroy the guitar and picked the piñata clean through the soundhole. #happynoises
Along with a brief reminder, Rhein Main Multiversum will be the next public event we will participiate on October 26th and 27th.
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