
August 2024 review

Welcome to September, quite the busy month ahead of us.

I dropped by my local Warhammer Store, who just had their 6th anniversary, to pick up the miniature of the month along with the new Stormcast sculpts and a bit of yellow for "projects". Impressive to see how more dynamic the Stormcast Eternals have become, especially compared to the very first releases with the rather bulky Liberators.

Games Workshop - Paints and Sprues Games Workshop - Miniature of the Month

Anyhow, the miniature of the month is a great series for me, as I can pick up models that will be used in the scale comparison shots of our reviews, without me having to buy the entire box and it provides value for our readers.

I am a Patreon of Skullforge Studios for quite some time now and for my Stargrave / Star Wars Mash-Up I had some terrain pieces FDM printed, the Crashed Authoriy Space Fighter and the head of the Abandoned Walker Battle Terrain set (currently not available outside of the patreon), as it will be used in addition to the crashed X-Wing, that I reviewed earlier. Beyond that I have a few Star Wars items in my backlog.

Star Wars Legion - Crashed Tie Fighter Star Wars Legion - Crashed ATAT Head

The next campiagn after Barons War Outremer was funded in August, adding the element of fantasy to the rule set and introducing Elves and Orcs, sculpted by Paul Hicks. I pledged one of the smaller levels, as I simply had to have the Peter Dennis sculpt from the campaign.

Barons War - Fantasy Kickstarter

And above I just pointed out, September is a busy month, and just next week, we will see the return of CRISIS to Antwerp after a break for a couple of years. The Tinsoldiers, who had their last big event in 2019 with CRISIS 2019, and two installments of a gaming weekend like LARDwerp in 2022 and 2023, and this year the CRISIS returns as a colaboration between the Tinsoldiers of Antwerp and HQ Gaming Club in Sint Niklaas' venue T'Bauhuis.

You can see the floor plans below, and we'll cover an event report, including a bit of the program around it. It is next weekend, on September 7th, and I'm really looking forward to it. In addition some more announcement on the program, for example Tuomas Pirinen will be there and support the Trench Crusade.

Crisis 2024 - Floorplan Crisis 2024 - Floorplan Crisis 2024 - Trench Crusade

But that is not the only event in september, the BITBOX will return on sunday September 22nd, and I'll try to make that happen, as I fell ill unfortunately for the one in spring. And two weeks after that, we will have the next installment of Battle for Uulda, which means I really have to get painting to have my army ready for that prolonged gaming weekend.

And just for that, I got myself another set of Warhounds, to magnetize this time, and grabbed some of my knights, as those will provide me with more flexible point fillers compared to the more expensive titans.

Adeptus Titanicus - Warhound Scout Titans Adeptus Titanicus - Knight Household

As there was a bit of a gap towards the free shipping at the shop, where I picked up the Warhounds, I grabbed a prettyy good deal on the Liberators and terrain kit from the Skaventide boxed set, and as we will likely be playing some Warcry in November, I bought those as well. No point on spending 7 bucks on shipping, if you can grab some sprues for 10.

Age of Sigmar - Skaventide Terrain Age of Sigmar - Skaventide Terrain

Regarding sprues, the latest shipment for Stormbringer dropped just last friday, it is the 7th package Hachette sent to their German customers and included the mighty Maw-Krusha as a premium bonus. The unboxing with further reviews will start next week.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 32 to 37

And while I went through a lot, and I mean a lot of Horus Heresy kits, both in 32mm and epic scale (two waves of Legions Imperialis and the entire Mechanicum Battle Group along with the Thanatar), I continued with the matching audiobooks and am currently in book #26 - Vulkan Lives.

Horus Heresy Audiobooks - Vulkan Lives

What to expect this month? Well, surely event coverage on Crisis, paint in progress on Legio Astraman (and House Moritain) and everything else I can squeeze in - probably more Legions Imperialis.

Posted by Dennis B.

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