
Road to CONflict – Part I

For CONflict Rheinland this year, we had some special plans. We were invited once again and Florian asked me, after he hosted the large Frostgrave table last year, if I would like to join him on hosting a table. This progress would be covered under the project Road to CONflict.

Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023 - Frostgrave Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023 - Frostgrave

And the idea was to have an open game, where multiple people could join in, and after a brief research we decided to give Achtung Panzer! and Tanks for the Apocalypse a try, but in both cases a game set in the post-apocalyptic wastelands. This would mean, stowage on tanks but first of all building some armoured vehicles. As Warlord Games gave us a thumps up on sending us the new Achtung Panzer! starter set - but I didn't want to wait until it arrives, I ordered a Sherman V and a Hellcat to start building.

Road to CONflict - Warlord Games Sherman V Road to CONflict - Warlord Games Sherman V Road to CONflict - Warlord Games Sherman V

Regarding the build process of both, you can see it in their individual reviews - linked above - and as I like miniatures with a bit of weight to them, especially tanks, I added the usual amount of lead weight to the hull. I had some minor casting issues. For some reason the lower hull was burnt, that's new, I haven't seen that before but the mould probably got too hot. Warlord Games offered me to replace the kit, as their customer service is ace, but as you wouldn't see that part anyway (it is covered by another piece), I didn't bother to take them up on that offer.

Similar with the dent in the turret, it seems that the mould wasn't properly filled on that area, it sometimes happens on some moulds, but mostly on the underside or somewhere where you wouldn't notice (had that on some napoleonics beneath their coats), and in this case it would make for easy battle damage.

Anyhow the tank was rapidly build, as the "gaming models" produced by Warlord Games directly (not the re-scaled model kits produced by Italeri for Warlord) and it was time to add some further detail to it.

Road to CONflict - Warlord Games Sherman V Road to CONflict - Warlord Games Sherman V

As this Sherman should be kept in a more regular look, pretty standard, I went with historical accurate stowage and used some items from the sprue itself, as well as from Rubicon Models various stowage sets, in this case the Allied Stowage Set No 1.

Road to CONflict - Warlord Games Sherman V Road to CONflict - Warlord Games Sherman V

With the first Sherman and the Hellcat build, it was now time to wait for the arrival of the Achtung Panzer! - Blood & Steel Starter set.

Posted by Dennis B.

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