
Legions Imperialis – Aeronautica Imperialis

After talking about the use of Titans in Legions Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus, we want to take a look on the flyers and air supporting units, that can be used with Legions Imperialis. And while Titanicus is entirely set in the Horus Heresy, Aeronautica Imperialis wasn't, which means not all units and products will return as part of the new extended range of Legions.

What is the biggest change for the Aeronautica boxed sets? Well, the Aeronautica bases will be replaced with new Legions Imperialis flying bases. Unlike Titanicus, Aeronautica didn't provide gaming material with the miniature boxes, the cards etc. were either sold separately or was part of the starter boxes.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis Aeronautica Imperialis - Marauder Destroyer Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis - 40mm Base

And similar to AT, we try to answer a few questions regarding the transition of Aeronautica Imperialis

Q: Is Aeronautica Imperialis dead?
A: More or less, yes. Of course, nobody keeps you from playing the game, but it might be difficult to get your hands on some parts of the range if you want to start now, for example cards. Supply has been difficult even when it was an active range. Yet, Games Workshop still offers the Aeronautica bases via Mail Order and the core rulebook, but not starter sets.

Q: Can I still use Aeronautica Imperialis models for Legions Imperialis?
A: Yes, as long as they are heresy era units of the Imperial Navy and Astartes. The rules for them are included in the core set.

Q: Can I play a whole Navy list?
A: No, that is what Aeronautica is for, in Legions Imperialis they are "just" supporting units. You can play the dog fights using the rules for Aeronautica.

Q: What about Xenos?
A: While there were obviously Xenos around during the Horus Heresy, for example Ullanor, the conflict focuses on the civil war within the Imperium.

Let's start with the Astartes

Astartes Fleet

Which units are available for the Legiones Astartes? Currently the slot for the Air Support Detachment covers four options:

Thunderhawk Gunship (Box of 1 - repack available for Pre-Order)
Storm Eagle Squadron (Box of 2 - will return as a repack)
Fire Raptor Squadron (Box of 2 - will return as a repack)
Xiphon Interceptor Squadron (Box of 6 - will return as a repack)

Aeronautica Imperialis - Xiphon Interceptor Squadron

All of them are plastic kits and were part of the Aeronautica Imperialis range. None of the Astartes products were dropped and all are included in the core rules of the game. For the Thunderhawk they replaced the smaller Aeronautica decal sheet with a larger one for Legions Imperialis with the Astartes fleets, and they swapped the bases with the dials for the flat Legions bases.

Aeronautica Imperialis - Marauder Destroyer Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis - 40mm Base

Xiphons can be used in squadron of 1 to 4, start at 95 points and get cheaper the more you buy (+85 for +1, +165 for +2, +215 points for +3 additional models). The Storm Eagle and Fire Raptor come in squadron of 1 to 3, and cost 100 points base with +100 / +190 for the upgrade to 2 and 3 models. The Storm Eagle has a transport capacity of 5. The iconic Thunderhawk Gunship starts at 150 points and can be upgraded to a squadron up to 3 models (for a additional +150 or +280 points). A total of 8 bases can be transported with the Thunderhawk.

Imperial Navy

A little bit different is the situation for the Imperial Navy, currently supporting the Solar Auxilia. A few of the items from the Aeronautica range are not Heresy-era conform, which means they dropped the Valkyrie (plastic kit) and Vulture (Resin) from the options of the Imperial Navy. Any other dropped units were Xenos like Tau, Eldar or Orks.

Thunderbolt-Squadron (Box of 4 - will return as a repack)
Avenger Strike Fighter Squadron (Box of 4 - will return as a repack)
Lightning Fighter Squadron (Box of 6 - repack available for Pre-Order)

Auxilia Arvus Lighter (Blister of 2 - repack available for Pre-Order)
Marauder Bomber (Box of 2 - repack available for Pre-Order)

Marauder Destroyer (Box of 2 - repack available for Pre-Order)
Marauder Pathfinder (Box of 2 - repack available for Pre-Order)

The Marauder is a plastic kit, which is available in three variants by Games Workshop, Bomber and Destroyer are all plastic, while the Pathfinder has a resin upgrade for the sensor array. They cost 85 points each, with +10 pts for the Pathfinder upgrade. All of them can be used in squadrons of 1 to 4 and you can mix the variants within your squadron. They don't come with a Solar Auxilia decal sheet but use the "old" Aeronautica decals (shown further below).

Aeronautica Imperialis - Wings of Vengeance Aeronautica Imperialis - Marauder Destroyer Aeronautica Imperialis - Marauder Destroyer

In the fighter class, the Solar Auxilia has quite a lot of options. All of them in plastic. And all of them can be played in squadrons of 1 to 4, which is pretty practical as their boxes at least cover 4 models or in the case of the Lightning even 6. Once again, depending on how much you want to rely on air support, this are great boxes to split with a buddy, as a sprue will still be enough for a proper squadron.

The Thunderbolt is the cheapest at 80 pts, while the Avenger and Lightning cost 85 pts.

Aeronautica Imperialis - Skies of Fire Aeronautica Imperialis - Wings of Vengeance Aeronautica Imperialis - Avenger Strike Fighters

The only one with transport capacities is the resin kit by Forge World of the Arvus Lighter. Due to the updated online shop, you can order these directly via or in your local Warhammer store. Very cheap at 12 points per model they are slightly more expensive than a Rhino. Games Workshop already announced the Dracosan, which was next to the Aurox the main transporter for the Solar Auxilia.

Aeronautica Imperialis - Imperial Navy Arvus Lighter

And to give you an idea of size for these, here is a Thunderbolt next to a Reaver, and a few comparisons within the range.

Aeronautica Imperialis - Wings of Vengeance Aeronautica Imperialis - Marauder Destroyer Aeronautica Imperialis - Avenger Strike Fighters

You don't need to paint the aircrafts in the Solar Auxilia colours as the various Navy departments have their own colours and decals.

Aeronautica Imperialis - Marauder Destroyer Aeronautica Imperialis - Avenger Strike Fighters Aeronautica Imperialis - Marauder Destroyer

Unlike the Astartes the Solar Auxilia doesn't have a Aerial Assault formation, but in each of the formations is a air support slot available. So these don't count against the allied contingent points as titans or knights would.

And if you come across the Ground Assets at a reasonable price, they are really nice addition to your terrain collection and will fit with Legions as well.

Posted by Dennis B.

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