
Adeptus Titanicus – Adding a Legion to your Legio Pt. 2

While we wait for the pre-orders / release of Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis we continue to connect the new system with Adeptus Titanicus range. Which Space Marine Legion sided with which Titan Legio, and as we covered the Loyalist in our first article, earlier this week, it is now time to see who fought for and with the Warmaster.

Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Fureans

Similar to the legios like Astorum or Gryphonicus who fought with almost every loyalist Astartes Legion, there are legios like Mortis, Fureans or Krytos, who fought alongside most of the traitors during the Horus Heresy. Some even with loyalists prior to their secession.

Yet, other Legios have no official / canon connections towards other forces (beside maybe Knight Households), but this creates room for your own narratives, like in the case of Legio Damicium, Laniaskara or Vulturum.

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Audax

Legio Audax - Ember Wolves

Allied War Houses: None

Legio Audax is known for their Warhound maniples and strongly connected with the legions of Angron and the Warmaster himself.

  • Emperors Children
  • World Eaters
  • Death Guard
  • Sons of Horus

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Damicium

Legio Damicium - Unbroken Lords

Allied War Houses: None

While Legio Damicium seems to be fighting on their own, the colours and background would make them fit for Slaanesh influenced forces, like Emperors Children or Renegades.

  • None


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Fureans

Legio Fureans - Tiger Eyes

Allied War Houses: Perdaxia, Aerthegn, Hyboras, Mordred, Rajha

Fureans are a powerful and versatile Legio, who fought with every traitor legion beside the Night Lords.

  • Emperors Children
  • Iron Warriors
  • World Eaters
  • Death Guard
  • Thousand Sons
  • Sons of Horus
  • Word Bearers
  • Alpha Legion


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Infernus / Suturvora

Legio Infernus / Suturvora - Fire Masters

Allied War Houses: Aerthegn, Mordred

Setting the world on fire is a theme, that works pretty well with the World Eaters and the Word Bearers. And the Fire Masters fought with both Legions within the Shadow Crusade.

  • World Eaters
  • Word Bearers


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Interfector

Legio Interfector - Murder Lords

Allied War Houses: Devine, Makabius

Legio Interfector was involved in the Isstvan III atrocity and sided with the traitors.

  • Emperors Children
  • Death Guard
  • Sons of Horus


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Krytos

Legio Krytos - God Breakers

Allied War Houses: Caesarean, Kepsydra

Along with Legio Fureans, Krytos has the most options to choose from, as they fought alongside every traitor legion with the exception of the Night Lords. They have a strong connection towards the Iron Warriors.

  • Emperors Children
  • Iron Warriors
  • World Eaters
  • Death Guard
  • Thousand Sons
  • Sons of Horus
  • Word Bearers
  • Alpha Legion


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Kulisaetai

Legio Kulisaetai - Gatekeepers

Allied War Houses: Redoubt

During the Assault Upon Findari Prime the Gatekeepers fought with the Iron Warriors.

  • Iron Warriors


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Laniaskara

Legio Laniaskara - Impalers

Allied War Houses: Igrake

Laniaskara has a special role, as they defended their home world against sea dwelling beasts and the Legio disappeared during the Cataclysm of Iron. As the Legio is focused on brutish attacks and displaying their trophies in a cruel and bloody way, having them aligned with Khorne Forces, like World Eaters or Renegades, could be fitting. But as the Night Lords have only few connections towards Titan Legios, the unsettling display of trophies might be a shared item for a overall project theme.

  • None


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Magna

Legio Magna - Flaming Skulls

Allied War Houses: Atrax, Morbidia, Oroborn

Due to their age, Legio Magna has connections to the classic four divided traitor legions. And with Morbidia and Atrax, something like a Dark Mechanicum would be a reasonable choice as well.

  • Emperors Children
  • World Eaters
  • Death Guard
  • Thousand Sons


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Mordaxis

Legio Mordaxis - Deathdealers

Allied War Houses: Aerthegn, Corrupted Vornherr Knights

While the Legio has only ties towards the Word Bearers in the official lore, their proximity to Nurgle (including the mutations and toxic weapons) would create a reasonable connection towards the Death Guard.

  • Word Bearers


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Mortis

Legio Mortis - Death's Heads

Allied War Houses: Morbidia, Ju'll, Senica

With the Death's Head being around since the first introduction of Titans in the Warhammer lore, they have connection to every traitor legion (and the only one with the Night Lords) and even supported the Space Wolves on Prospero.

  • Emperors Children
  • Iron Warriors
  • Space Wolves (Pre-Heresy at Prospero)
  • Night Lords
  • World Eaters
  • Death Guard
  • Thousand Sons
  • Sons of Horus
  • Word Bearers
  • Alpha Legion

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Tempestus

Legio Tempestus - Stormlords

Allied War Houses: Malinax, Turbidos, Taranis, Vornherr, Freeblades

This legio was split into Loyalists and Traitors, with Tempestus and Tempestor to differentiate the two, yet in the more current lore only Tempestus is used with the traitor legio.

  • Emperors Children
  • World Eaters
  • Death Guard
  • Thousand Sons
  • Sons of Horus


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Tritonis

Legio Tritonis - Dark Tide

Allied War Houses: Numerous Freeblade Associations

Legio Tritonis are the seceded faction, who sided with the Warmaster of Legio Venator. They have no official records of alliances with Space Marines Legions, as they had their internal power struggles during the civil war.

  • None


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Vulcanum

Legio Vulcanum - Lords of Ruin

Allied War Houses: No formal bonds; numerous Freeblade associations

Legio Vulcanum has two Legio under that name, both of them alligned with the Warmaster / Dark Mechanicum. But we talk about Vulcanum II - Lords of Ruin. Vulcanum I - Dark Fire fought with the Night Lords during the Great Crusade.

  • World Eaters
  • Death Guard
  • Sons of Horus


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Vulpa

Legio Vulpa - Death Stalkers

Allied War Houses: Devine, Hyboras, Ioeden, Niagma

With its red and purple colours, the Legio Vulpa was very popular with the designers and the martial bone heraldic brought them additional attentation within the novells as well. Therefore there are multiple connection and they were sided with all of the traitors legions with the exception of Night Lords.

  • Emperors Children
  • Iron Warriors
  • World Eaters
  • Death Guard
  • Thousand Sons
  • Sons of Horus
  • Word Bearers
  • Alpha Legion


Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Vulturum

Legio Vulturum - Gore Crows

Allied War Houses: Vyridion

There are no official records of the Legio Vulturum fighting with Space Marines.

  • None


And to round it up, here is an overview on which Titan Legio fought alongside with Astartes Legions. This just what we know so far from the published canon. With the books moving further into the Siege of Terra, we might get further updates on the final stage of the Horus Heresy.

And just like in the first article, these are just the information that is listed in the official canon and might be expanded with the new game as well as the stories told with the releases of the Siege of Terra novells. But beyond that, it is our hobby and as much as I am aware of the lore-focus within 30k, the galaxy in the grim dark future is vast. Vast enough to include your own stories, conflicts and alliances.

Posted by Dennis B.

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  1. No love for the Silver Scythes/Festering Death?

  2. As I only cover those Legions from the Traitor and Loyalist Book, nope. Besides, their Lore is so little, you could argue it is not existant.

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