
Bolt Action Bishop Self Propelled Gun

We covered a few self-propelled guns in the past, and some that didn't make it to tank week, just like this Bishop QF 25 pdr SPG. But today is his day and we cover him in a review.

Bolt Action - Bishop SPG

This is a 28mm resin kit by Warlord Games with a RRP of 31,50 GBP / 38 EUR. It is listed as a made to order kit, which does not mean he is mail order exclusive, but just something that is less likely to be on stock and is casted once ordered. Your local gaming store can order them in and it might not come in a boxed set with printed artwork, but a neutral packaging. As I had this kit for a long time (and this review is in draft since 2018), mine came wrapped in bubble wrap with a sticker on it.

The Bishop is another british SPG with a clerical name, in this case from the high mitre-like superstructure. Its official designation was Ordnance QF 25-pdr on Carrier Valentine 25-pdr Mk 1, as it was a British self-propelled gun, armed with the QF-25 pounder, using the Valentine tank chassis. The vehicle was a rushed attempt to create an artillery tank, and as such it had numerous problems, was produced in limited numbers and was soon replaced by better designs.

It was first action in North Africa, in the second Battle of El Alamein, and remained in service during the early years of the Italian campaign. But it was poorly received due to its limitation, like the slow speed. It was later replaced by the M7 Priest and Sexton.

The kit is a resin and metal kit, and in this case an older release, which means it came without a "proper" packaging, just in bubble wrap. The hull, two track sections and turret were cast in resin, with some additional parts of the main gun, tools and crew in metal. This was prior to the release of the resin handling leaflet, I assume that you'll get one of these with it nowadays.

Bolt Action - Bishop SPG Bolt Action - Bishop SPG

The resin cast is clean and only minor clean up was necessary to remove flash. The sides were a little bit warped, but I could straighten them in hot water and have them align with the main hull. The pins fit the holes on the hull pretty well and create a flush alignment and fit.

Bolt Action - Bishop SPG

While the glue settles, we add the minor details to the hull. In this case two head lights and a tank / container.

Bolt Action - Bishop SPG Bolt Action - Bishop SPG Bolt Action - Bishop SPG

Now we have to assemble the turret. Pretty straight forward, a solid block of resin for the turret, the gun itself and a hatch for the commander, along with the tank commander. The last one is optional and you could simply close the hatch.

Bolt Action - Bishop SPG

I went with a closed hatch, as in desert warfare not everybody needs to out in the open. Quick assembly and so far no problems.

Bolt Action - Bishop SPG Bolt Action - Bishop SPG Bolt Action - Bishop SPG

A quick comparison with the successor of the Valentine chassis, the Matilda tank.

Bolt Action - Bishop SPG

It is an odd looking vehicle, but it has its charme.

Bolt Action - Bishop SPG Bolt Action - Bishop SPG Bolt Action - Bishop SPG


With almost 40 EURs RRP this is something of a themed piece for an army list, as you might fancy the M7 priest more in direct comparison for a SPG or for something entirely differently with the few slots for tanks in Bolt Action. But that's just for the unit itself and rather odd design, but that's how the Bishop looked like.

The kit itself is properly done. Quick assembly, no issues on the casting of the resin and the few metal parts fit the kit pretty neatly.

With this being a rather niché vehicle, I wouldn't expect to see this one in plastic anytime soon.

Bolt Action is a brand of Warlord Games.

Posted by Dennis B.

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