Necromunda – Into the Dark Backdrop
Along the new releases of the last months, is a new installment of Kill Team - called Into the Dark this time, and while the game itself is not what caught my attention, it was actually the terrain of this starter set.
With 170 EUR RRP you could probably buy it at FLGS with a bit of discount, sell the gangs and keep the terrain for a proper deal, but I didn't fancy the string of events with if I went down that road, so I picked up the accessories sprue twice and one of the regular wall sections for a total of about 30 EURs plus shipping.
The accessories sprue is interesting, as I could upgrade my existing terrain (like the Plasma Reactors or Ferratonic Silos) and the upcoming bulkhead terrain builds with them, as they cover point-of-interest that could provide interaction on the table and at a tenner for a full sprue of this bits, I had to get my hands on them. And to save one shipping, I added one of the regular wall sections, to build a backdrop for my Necromunda gangs. About that - I am still working on the 1995s House Orlock Gang.
As for backdrops, you can either use printed ones, as I covered a while back on this blog, but with some settings, I like to build up or capture the miniatures in a fitting enviroment. The Into the Dark scenery sets give you multiple wall elements, covering doors etc. to build a grid or series of rooms, almost like a dungeon crawler to play with. This meant, I could either build a corner or long corridor to place my miniatures in front. The sprue I chose does not cover enough pillar tops to fully build this, but Seven United has your back on this one and already covers fitting STLs.
About Seven United, if you don't own a printer and you're set in the EU / Germany, you can get a lot from his range at MegaSonicPunch, I ordered a few things a while back in PLA in the Sector Mechanicus design and am very happy so far (and need to show them to you in a review). A lot of these ordered pieces will be used to upgrade my guild hall and build a large landing pad.
To set the scene, you have multiple techniques. First of all the use of the camera of course. HVM / HerrvonMoria does a superb job to get some ideas, but for beginners it is a start to lower eye line of the viewer and take picture from a bit below the miniature and not a 40° angle from above. The Into the Dark set has said accessories that you can add to create more depth, especially if you use the depth of field of your lense.
And a very quick mockup what you can do afterwards, for example in this case show the models from the helm view of a Spyre hunter. Something that would be a neat addition for a campaign or game report. This is as said some very quick and dirty, for the later coverage I'd probably setup a certain style, incl. fonts etc. to bind them together. Tallarion did some neat shots of his Tallarn Imperial Guard a while back on Würfelwiese.
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