
June 2022 Review

That's halftime for 2022 already. A bit unexpectedly - at least for me - the last weeks were filled with a lot of Horus Heresy content.

Why was that unexpected? Well, I do plan ahead and do some (at least rough) scheduling for the content road map for the blog, to tie in articles, prepare the content itself and such. I was aware of the Horus Heresy release, and initially my plan was to cover my own 30k content in Adeptus Titanicus to go along, but I was provided by Games Workshop with some of the novelties, and I covered those instead, pushing the other items back in the schedule.

Happy coincidence, the featured legions of the boxed set are Imperial Fists and Sons of Horus, both faction I was already set on for before the announcement and release of this kit. And I even chose the exact patterns, of Mk III for the Fists and Mk IV for the Sons of Horus.

Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness Horus Heresy - Liber Astartes

This meant, I covered the Age of Darkness boxed set, with an unboxing of the starter set itself, detailed reviews on the content, like the impressive Spartan Assault Tank, and further coverage like the Liber Astartes and Liber Hereticus. But we're not finished yet, there will be a sum up along with a community interview.


Necromunda – Cargo 8 Ridgehauler and Trailer

Last weekend the Ash Waste novelties went online for pre-order. And beside the new supplement Book of the Outlands and the Squat Miners, the Cargo 8 Ridgehauler and its trailer were introduced as well. We will look into these kits today.

Necromunda - Cargo 8 Ridgehauler and Trailer

In the new supplement you'll find the rules for these in Necromunda, along with some further mechanics of using other vehicles and even a small vehicle construction kit. But for this review the most interesting are the assembled and painted pictures, along with some samples of how the different houses us the Cargo 8 Ridgehauler.


Horus Heresy – Liber Hereticus

The second supplement for the new Horus Heresy covers the Traitor Legions and is called Liber Hereticus, and provides the same information as the Liber Astartes does for the loyal legion for those who follow the Warmaster Horus.

Horus Heresy - Liber Hereticus Horus Heresy - Liber Hereticus

Each of the legion books is 55 EURs and more than 300 pages thick. They are produced as full coloured hard cover, with thick paper and even a cloth bookmark. And this review on the Liber Heretics is going to give you a similar deep dive, as we did earlier on the Liber Astartes.


Journey of the Maulers: Meet the Champions

It's finally here, the last game of Mork's Maulers under the 2016 rules also marks the end of the season and what could be more fitting than a game against a legendary team? Games Workshop has made the list of Gouged Eyes from their championship year available for download, and since I already own a painted Gouged Eyes team from third edition (that hasn't seen a gaming table in a while), it fits like a glove that the Maulers play out their true trial against the champion.Blood Bowl - Bob Bidford & Jim Johnson

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Horus Heresy – Liber Astartes

In addition with the update Horus Heresy rule set (currently not available on its own, just as part of the Age of Darkness set) Games Workshop released two large supplements, covering the army lists for the loyalist and traitor Space Marine Legions.

Horus Heresy - Liber Astartes Horus Heresy - Liber Astartes

Each book is 55 EURs and more than 300 pages thick. Manufactured as a hard cover in full colour, with thick paper and even a cloth bookmark. We're going to look into these separately, beginning with the Liber Astartes. The book for the Space Marine Legions loyal to the Emperor.


Horus Heresy – Land Raider Spartan Assault Tank

Last of our Horus Heresy Age of Darkness detail reviews, covers after the regular Infantry and the Contemptor Dreadnought, the mighty Land Raider Spartan. The kit is not yet available on its own and currently only available as part of the Age of Darkness starter set.

Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness

This is not the first time a Land Raider Spartan is available in (or at least made from) plastic. Actually the first one, was a conversion based upon the Rogue Trader era Land Raider kit, combined with plastic card and parts from the old Space Marine Rhino. It was introduced as part of the Modelling Workshop section of White Dwarf 119, by no other than Tony Cottrell (former head of Forge World and designer of an incredible amount of kits) back in 1989!


Internal CONflict Rheinland 2022

Finally - an update in the event category! Conflict Rheinland returns after a 3 years break with a private event, and 2019 was our last visit to the event in Langenfeld. Yet, the return is a bit special, as this is not a public event, as they had to cancel that format about a month ago and went for an invite only meet up of some of the hosts and clubs, that would just do a private get-together.

Torsten kindly invited me to join that round of wargamers and I happily accepted the invitation as it would be my first wargaming event in over a two years (my last wargaming road trip was January 2020 to Nottingham, visiting Warhammer World).

Internal CONflict Rheinland 2022


Horus Heresy – Contemptor Dreadnought

We move the size class a bit, covered the infantry already, now it is time for the walking tombs, the Contemptor Dreadnought from the Horus Heresy Age of Darkness boxed set.

Horus Heresy - Contemptor Dreadnought

The classic dreadnought we know from the 90s is classified as Castraferrum Pattern Mark V Dreadnought, with the variants that were released by Forge World as Mark IV with slightly slender / less bulky proportions. But the Contemptor Dreadnought is actually something picked up from the era of Rogue Trader and reconnected with the lore for the Horus Heresy.


Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness Infantry

After covering the content of the Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness boxed set in our unboxing, I'll cover the plastic kits in three reviews - the Infantry, the Contemptor Dreadnought and the Land Raider Spartan. Beginning today with the Space Marines on foot.

Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness

You can find all the pictures of the content in the unboxing, but we're going to build some miniatures from the different sprues of the Legion Space Marines in Mark VI armour, the Praetors and Terminators in Cataphractii armour.


Bolt Action – SdKfz 250/11 Ausf. A

We've covered multiple variants of the Sd.Kfz 251 on here already, with the regular 251/1 Ausf. D, 251/16 Flammpanzerwagen and 251/7 Pionierwagen. And thanks to Jürgen from Warlord Games, he sent me a pre-production copy of some of the new Sd.Kfz. 250 Ausf. A (Alte) kit, from their trade meetup in Nottingham.

Bolt Action - SdKfz 250/11 Ausf. A Bolt Action - SdKfz 250/11 Ausf. A

So far, the Sd.Kfz. 250 was available as a resin kit and now got an update and turned into a multi-variant plastic kit that is now available from Warlord Games directly and their trade network. The final kit obviously comes with a proper packaging, decals and all the additional content you're used to. In my case, I got the base sprue and the one to build the /11 variant leichter Schützenpanzerwagen mit einer 2,8-cm-schweren Panzerbüchse 41.