
October 2021 review

Halloween is over and we've reached November. In this month, we've covered the Nexus Syphon and plastic Gunfighters as reviews.

Age of Sigmar - Realmscape Nexus Syphon Great Escape Games - Dead Man's Hand Plastic Gunfighters

Beyond that, I've been taking further care of my stock and preparing articles. A few things that I scanned, along with getting rid of boxes and packaging. On top of that, I am working on a motorpool article - similar to the US American post - covering the British in North Africa. I have prepared some Rubicon kits, on which I will go in detail this month (they're already built, the pictures are taken, just missing the text). I picked up the Sd.Kfz. 7/1 build again, as well as another captured vehicle for either the British or Germans in North Africa.

Sorted out Boxes and Paper Bolt Action - 8th Army Motorpool Bolt Action - British Motorpool

In addition to the plastic kits on Stargrave (that I will present in reviews as well, I'm simply in no hurry), I got myself some of the blisters and got myself a little goodie from my trip to Spain, a scatter terrain kit from Star Wars Legion.

Stargrave - More Characters Star Wars Legions - Priority Supplies

Due to the move and some other hick-ups, a few issues of the White Dwarf didn't arrive at my (new) place. So, I got in touch with Customer Service. They sent the #467 issue, unfortunately duty unpaid, creating fees and such, so that went back. Long story short, due to the proximity of my local Warhammer store, we were able to sort a convenient and easy solution for everybody. Yes, I don't have the subscriber special cover, but I can live with that.

I bought something small as a thank you towards the store owner for helping me out, and got lucky with the Koyo badges. Got the golden Chaos Star. Yay!

White Dwarf - Issues 467 468 469 Koyo - Warhammer Badges Koyo - Warhammer Badges

Continued painting the Renedra mudbrick house and middle eastern buildings with my paintpal. I use acrylic paints, and still are weirded out how they dry, as it's different to what I am used from the small paint pots. This will require some washes to get the final look right, along with some eye to detail. Not sure if I should base these buildings or not, but will definitively keep the roofs detachable for better playability.

Renedra Middle Eastern Houses Renedra Middle Eastern Houses

I got myself a little present, the "small" Lego 76239 Batman Tumbler. I'm a Batman fan, I like Lego and this kit is really enjoyable. Even the small, not-collector edition one, is quite massive and a proper toy for 8+ year old. Now it's in my studio and I enjoy watching it along with the 76119 Batmobile I already own.

Lego - Batman Tumbler 76239

Green Stuff World are hypocrites. Always remember this. I picked their tube tool up for a friend. And this is a blatant copy of Masq Minis Tube Tool. Oh, and they are not just phoneys because of this, but they not only made copyright claims over paints, got really pissy that others sell punches (FYI you can get this with a broad variety of motives everywhere...), yeah but on top of this, they use GW Chaos logos without license and stole the design of this tube tool to the detail. So, yeah, I think that's asshole behaviour.

Tube Tool

As for Warhammer Day and the previews along with it. I'll cover that in a post of its own. I was simply surprised, that some of these are already announced for next week as pre-order.

Warhammer Day 2021 Preview

And we use that, to jump straight into the streaming and movie suggestions, as you get two weeks of free access to Warhammer+ during Warhammer Day, using the code WHDAY21. I have covered my first impression on the WarhammerTV content here, along with an update regarding Angels of Death. Still not a big fan, as it lacks certain quality standards. I was excited about the release of Astartes during last week, and was a bit bummed, that it is only the video we've already seen (for about a year and longer?) for free on YouTube, but they changed the music on some parts (I guess licensing issues). Hammer+Bolter, which I enjoyed so far, had one of its weakest episodes with the Aeldari the week before. It was barely animated and mostly still pictures with a pan motion put over it. That came across quite cheap, more like a fan project.

I mentioned it in the last update, I watched Netflix's new war movie about the Battle of the Scheldt, The Forgotten Battle. Well-made and entertaining, just a bit tricky what language to choose to be honest. As it is a Dutch production, you have dubbed voices in some cases, and I went with the Dutch sound with German subtitles, as the British / Commonwealth speak in English, the Germans in German and so on, but that felt better than the overall synched variant with not that fitting voices.

As a huge Batman Fan, I watched The Long Halloween - Part 1 and 2. Covers the comics properly, but in total only something if you're a fan. Similar with Injustice, story is a good fit, and a good watch while you're painting or doing other hobby stuff. To stay with animated series, unfortunately Star Trek - Lower Decks aired its final episode for the second season, really like the Star Trek series, and are more than eager for its return in 2022. A bit out of nowhere Inside Job caught me on Netflix, and I binged the whole first season in one go, second half of season one / season two, will return in 2022. As for Marvel's What If, yeah, I would have enjoyed more what-if episodes, but I guess they need to advance the plot for the next MCU phase. So, yeah, you can watch that, I would have loved more multiverse coverage.

I caught up on The Walking Dead on Disney+, the got pretty close towards the end of the Comics. The Reapers are ridiculous, I get the point that they shall be the ultimate foe, but they're like supernatural ninjas. And as if Walking Dead weird tempo of storytelling wasn't enough, we get this over-the-top enemy shoe-horned as well. If you liked Love, Death and Robots, you might enjoy Oat Studios on Netflix. All of those videos were already available on YouTube, but hey. To stay with Netflix, they covered the ZDF produced documentary The Truth about Franco: Spain's Forgotten Dictatorship. Very informative and adds more depth to the Spanish Civil War and time beyond. As for German produced on content on Netflix, I watched the Billion Dollar Code. As I enjoyed Pirates of Silicon Valley, it was entertaining to add a German perspective (especially with the post reunification timeframe) to that topic.

South London Warlords - Salute 2018 Crisis 2019 - Tinsoldiers of Antwerp

As for everything else, I was hoping that we would see a bit of return to normality towards the end of the year. We were checking on visiting Salute, which is mid of the month, but the logistics (it is a lot more overhead currently to do outside of the EU travel) made the decision for us - already before rising infection numbers. I do have some throwback articles in preparation, covering some Games Days, as well as some other shows.

That's it for today. A lot of content in the pipeline, stay safe and have a great week.

Posted by Dennis B.

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