
Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma

It is time to go for another Summer Challenge, 18 miniatures in 3 months. Last year I did an undivided beastman warband "Hooves and Fur" for my Realm of Chaos project.

Realm of Chaos - Hooves and Fur Realm of Chaos - Hooves and Fur

And as the new challenge is just right around the corner, I'm right in the middle of moving my studio, this simply calls for an Epic Journey Against all Reason and Sanity.

As I got my first vaccine shot and the second one right around the corner, it is not unrealistic to assume that a bit of wargaming could happen towards autumn. I was offered a spot on a invite-only campaign weekend and the only thing missing are a painted maniple, so that seemed to me as a reasonable choice for this years painting challenge.

I already prepared a bit on my Adeptus Titanicus stock, and I decided to go for the loyal Titan Legio Astraman, and call this project "Legio Astraman Ad Arma".

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Astraman Maniple

The stock of titans for them is this, and already pretty close to cover the 18 miniatures that I needed for the challenge.

But as are not talking 28mm, I mixed it up a bit and added some auxiliaries for multiple reasons. First of all to have some variation in painting, but to have some smaller models as well, to level some of the larger items of this scope. So in addition to the Adeptus Titanicus miniatures, we'll see some Knights and a few Aeronautica Imperialis miniatures.

So let me explain to you the rules of the challenge. A total of 18 miniatures has to be painted within 3 months, with milestones of 6 models to be finished after each month. Therefore I split the scope like this:

  • 1st Milestone in July, two Reaver Titans and four Cerastus Lancers
  • 2nd Milestone in August, three Warhound and three Thunderbolt Fighters
  • 3rd Milestone for September, one Warlord, one Warbringer, two Acastus Knights and two Epic bases (maybe infantry, maybe vehicles)

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Astraman and Auxiliaries Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Astraman and Auxiliaries Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Astraman and Auxiliaries

As already mentioned above, I will move the chaosbunker "studio" this month into our new home, I have to pack up the whole stock of my collection, with all the tools, work in progress and terrain. But to have access to this project, I gathered them together in a box of their own, so I will hopefully be able to tackle those and set them up right away.

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Astraman and Auxiliaries

So participating this year has a higher risk of failing, but one circumstances are not all against me, I have some parental leave this month and in september, which might come in handy. And with all the stress of moving, having some time to relax and come down, having this project as a further motivation won't be the worst choice.

Stay tuned, happy for feedback in the upcoming weeks on the paint in progress and wish me luck!


Posted by Dennis B.

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  1. Sir, I have now been enjoying the content on your blog for a while, especially all the Titanicus and Aeronautica reviews which have been very helpful for me as I have gotten into this part of the hobby as well.

    I wish you all the luck for this challenge and these milestones, I personally am dying to see all these beautiful miniatures of your collection painted!

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