
May review

Another busy month, only a few new articles published, two reviews - the Warmaster Titan and the Tiger II by Rubicon models.

Adeptus Titanicus - Warmaster Titan with Plasma Destructors Rubicon Models - Tiger II with Zimmerit

The main reason for the slower pace on here is that our house moves rapidly through the last steps before completion. And our personal contribution requires my spare time at the building site. But it is incredibly fun to see the progress on the new "studio", just did the floors last weekend. So beside lending a helping hand there, packing up things is another to-do that keeps me from painting.

Chaosbunker - New Studio Chaosbunker - New Studio

And to ease the move, I continue to sort out and sell parts of my collection. Some things have been around for ages and I don't see me completing them, or they don't fit my set scope. So they have to go. Some days look like this:

Stacked Packages

Among the sales I had some items, that I wasn't really sure, if I should keep them or sell them, so let you vote on it. I only kept the Baneblade, as I found the Banetown story line and I like to recreate that for my Necromunda table. For those of you who don't know it, there's a settlement build entirely within the wrecks and hulls of Baneblades, and I can see the turret being used as a gate, along with the sides, engine and such for generators and so on.

Instagram Poll Instagram Poll Instagram Poll

But more interestingly is, that some of the buyers got back in touch with me, to show what they did with the items the bought from me. For example the Superheavy Tank and Imperial Knight ...

Warhammer 40.000 - Superheavy Tank Warhammer 40.000 - Imperial Knight

... were painted by Arne, who put it in service with his Catachans, and Fred, who took good care of the Knight quite rapidly.

Warhammer 40.000 - Superheavy painted by Arne Warhammer 40.000 - Superheavy painted by Arne Warhammer 40.000 - Knight painted by Fred Warhammer 40.000 - Knight painted by Fred

I'm pretty close on completing my personal mid 90s Citadel collection (covering Blood Bowl, Necromunda and Middlehammer). Especially the GorkaMorka items are a bit rare than I expected them to be. The Imperial Fist Captain is on its way to me, so the overall scope to complete is manageable, just needs some time I guess.

Looking for - Last Ones

I'm complete with my Legends of the Old West posses, as the US Cavalry and US Infantry arrived. Miniatures by Artizan Design, like most of my Old West collection. Distributed by North Star, but due to Brexit and such, I got mine from Miniaturicum in Germany. Just thinking of swapping the Natives for some different sculpts. But we'll see.

Artizan Design - 7th Cavalry

Through Miniaturicum as well arrived the Nickstarter on Stargrave in May as well. We got the plastic bundle as a group and split / share the boxes. Great Escape Games sent me one of their new plastic Cowboy sprues from the Dead Man's Hand range to tinker with. So keep an eye out on some further review.

Northstar Miniatures - Stargrave Great Escape Games - Dead Man's Hand Plastic Cowboys

I started to block in the colours of the loyal titan legion, and after Mustering Legio Astraman, I started dividing the Knights into two households. As support forces for Astraman and the traitors. Did the same thing for my Aeronautica Imperial Air Forces, and am very excited about the Space Marines fleet - especially the Thunderhawk to come.

Adeptus Titanicus - Knight Households

The summer project is once again around the corner, I think about participating in the 18 miniatures in 3 month challenge, that I did last year with Hooves and Fur, my beastmen warband. Due to the limitation of the move it I think that going for the Titanicus range, mixed with some Aeronautica flyers and Epic30k bases, that is the most manageable scope for that project currently.

As for streaming, Disney+ has the worst video player of them all... Bad Batch is okay-ish, I try to catch up through Clone Wars, but as said, the player is incredibly annyoing. On other notes, Zack Snyder's Justice League is worth the time, as it connects quite a bit of the side stories that left everyone rather irritated and without context in the cinematic variant. Mortal Kombat was ... rather blunt, and I am not really sure how Army of the Dead was rated R in the US but only FSK 16 in Germany.

Beyond that, focus is set on the move. Last one was 5 years ago, from Koblenz to Montabaur, but I've moved my man cave a couple of times, so I know the drill.

Posted by Dennis B.

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