
Decluttering the ‘bunker

With the project private home continuing further, I'm preparing moving my studio into the new house. And as I don't intend to bring "dead projects" into our new home (as it will be harder to get rid off them, as that hopefully will be our last move), so I'm progressing further with the evaluation of projects and minimizing my stock. Currently focusing on bulk projects and items, where I'll see the results of emptying up space quickly. Sold and gave away a few items already, for example the majority of my Warmachine stock (Colossals and Battle Engines), Battle Masters leftovers, and am willing to split with my early Saxon Saga and Mantic Orks.

SAGA - Early Saxons Kings of War - Orks Sold Boxes

And while sorting through the drawers and boxes of my studio, I did not only find things from the days past, like the tickets to my first Warhammer World or Games Day visit, but quite the lot of assembly instructions.

Games Workshop - Warhammer World Ticket Games Workshop - Golden Demon Games Day 2003 Ticket Assembly Instructions

I kept them, because their handy and useful to look into for my reviews and comparisons. So I didn't want to throw them away, but as with many of the magazines and rulesets that I own, that I went for digital copies instead of a printed one (especially for magazines that is very handy, as they quickly take up a lot of space - Wargames Illustrated and Wargames Soldiers & Strategy are available as digital publications), I thought about scanning these, keep a digital copy and throw / give away the physical ones.

As all-in-one printers are quite cheap, and most important compact in size, I went online looking for a good choice. I have to say all these print-as-a-service deals and ink subscription models are a bit much for the regular consumer. I'm aware that leasing a printer/copy machine is a usual business for companies, but that's just no option for me, as I want to own the things that I use and I seriously have no interest in some kind of flat-rate sub model for the little amount of prints that I need. Anyhow, after a bit of research I decided to go for a Canon Pixma TR8550, as it covered an ADF (automatic document feeder) as well as a wireless connection to the printer, so that it wouldn't matter where it stands later in our new home and is accessible from everywhere within our WAN.

Canon Pixma TR8550 Assembly Instructions Warhammer 40.000 - Storm of Vengeance

Setup went quite fast and wasn't as annoying as it used to be in the past. So I took out the instructions, along with some unpunched campaign supplements and I'm currently scanning them. I have to check, how and if I can put them online, as I don't intend to violate any rights. From the feedback I received a couple of times on my reviews, they helped quite a few people who lost their instructions or bought second hand without them, so having a sub section or similar online could come in handy. To be honest, I'm amazed that only so few companies provide them online, Rubicon is one of the few and Warlord provides them only for a small fraction of their range.

Anyhow, this is my backlog, so I'll get back to it.

Assembly Instructions

Posted by Dennis B.

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