
Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part IX

The bases are done, the shields glued to the ungor skirmishers - I can call block #2 for the summer project ready and done! Another 6 beastmen for the Hooves and Fur warband finished.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

I had to trim the grass on some of the rims, as I applied it a bit to close to the edge. The two characters were the most time consuming part of this block, as they have a lot of details that needed to be taken care of. I'm not that happy about how the shrunken heads came along, maybe I need to add some more fleshy highlights to them at some point.

As for the freehands, I think there is still room for improvement, but the weathering on the shields creates a final result I can live with.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd Realm of Chaos - Brayherd Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

Four ungors, a shaman and another champion in front of the backdrop.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

And finished part of the warband incl. the first batch.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

That went well, finished the second block still in the time budget for the first one, so that gives me over two months to finish the third one. But I don't intend to use up that budget, but you'll see. And I already have a plan to stay in the painting mood beyond that, but I want keep my focus on finishing this project first.

Posted by Dennis B.

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  1. Great results! Very nice old school style. I would be interested to hear which system you plan on playing with those? Also the effect on the shields is quite nice, wouldn’t mind to hear how you achieved this… Keep up the good work!

  2. Sellsword & Spellslingers and other skirmishes of that size.

    As for the shields, the same way I did the leather, just added thinned down lines of skeleton bone and wash on top of it, the way I do my weathering/grime on my Ww2 tanks, just different colours 😀

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