Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part VIII
Back on topic with Hooves and Fur. The wash has dried and so I can add the highlights and further shades and details on to the beastmen herd.
1st Highlight
- Chainmail / Weapons - Army Painter Gun Metal WP1131 (swapped to a darker metal from Plate Mail)
- Eyes - Army Painter Lava Orange WWP1106 (swapped to a lighter colour from Pure Red)
- Rope - Flames of War Khaki
- Robes of the Shaman - Army Painter Crystal Blue WP1114
And for the Ungors I went with a lighter skintone, so instead of Beasty Brown I used Monster Brown, so beside that and the below mentioned base colours, I used these:
- Skintone short + long fur - Army Painter Monster Brown WP1120
- Wood of the weapons - Army Painter Oak Brown WP1124
- Hornes and Hooves - Army Painter Skeleton Bone WP1125
- Leather - Vallejo Game Color 72.039 Marrón Peste / Plague Brown
- Bases basecolour - Citadel Graveyard Earth - discontinued - so I went with Army Painter Leather Brown WP1123
- Shrunken Heads - Army Painter Necrotic Flesh WP1108
- Skintone short + long fur - Vallejo Game Color 72.043 Marrón Bichos / Beasty Brown
- Wood of the weapons - Army Painter Oak Brown WP1124
- Shoulder pad / chaos star - Army Painter Pure Red
- "Leather" part of the robe with Army Painter Purple Wash
2nd Highlight
- Short fur / Skin Gors - 50/50 of VGC Beasty Brown and AP Fur Brown WP1122
- Short fur / Skin Ungors - 50/50 Army Painter Monster Brown WP1120 with Army Painter Kobold Skin WP1434
- dry brush Wood of the weapons - 50/50 Army Painter Oak Brown WP1124 with Army Painter Filthy Cape WP1424
- Hornes, Teeth and Hooves - Pegasus Leinenweiß (Reaper 9061 Linen White)
- Leather - 50/50 Vallejo Game Color 72.039 Marrón Peste / Plague Brown with Army Painter Skeleton Bone WP1125
- Eyes - Vallejo Game Color 72.006 Amarillao Soleado / Sun Yellow
- dry brush Bases - Army Painter Monster Brown WP1120
- Black Lining with Army Painter Darktone WP1136
- Chainmail / Weapons - Army Painter Plate Mail Metal WP1130
- Highlights Robe - Army Painter Deep Blue WP1116 with VC Game Colour 72049 Gris Muralla / Stonewall Grey
- Rope and Glow, Army Painter Greenskin WP1111 mixed with Skeleton Bone or Linen Cloth
3rd Highlights
- light drybrush Bases - Formula P3 Hammerfall Khaki
- Bronce - Army Painter Greedy Gold WP1132
- Weapons and some of the armour - Army Painter Shining Silver WP1129
- very light drybrush Wood - Army Painter Filthy Cape WP1424
- Faces / Snouts - Army Painter Kobold Skin WP1434
- Fine Black Lining - Army Painter Darktone WP1136
- Rope and Glow - Army Painter Goblin Green WP1109
- Highlights Robe with Army Painter with Army Painter Deep Blue WP1116 with AP Skeleton Bone
I was quite busy painting, so I had to change the wet palettes layer. The pictures showed me some details that I have to take care of before the miniatures are finally done. Black Lining here and there and the "scroll" around the neck of the Shaman needs some details. And of course, as in the last step, the shields. I went again with less bulky third company plastic shields. This time I took some bits from the frostgrave kits.
As for the work load, I assume that I'll be able to cover that today and will post the "I'm done" later on during the week. As mentioned above, final details, shields and flock is the only thing keeping me from doing so and then I'm able to go on to the third and final part of the project.
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