
Cancelled events and getting by in the current situation

Quite the weeks behind us and surely some interesting times ahead. I had to take a time out until last monday, as I was bed-bound for over a week. Work in the meantime was quite different, as many took the option for home office and almost all of the events were cancelled due to health concerns. So a lot less interaction with other people.

And those concerns spread out into our hobby as well. A lot of smaller and midsized events were cancelled, and even large one as the Adepticon. Games Workshop re-scheduled the huge preview they had planned and will provide it in an online variant. So far, Salute stays stubborn but I guess that the government or venue will take care of that (and they are waiting for that to happen due to liability issues). The way they went through with Hammerhead this weekend seemed unwise to me as well.


Any how, I'm sad that these action have to be taken, but I am rather safe than sorry. So I'll take a raincheck and will visit events after this whole thing has sorted out. In the meantime, I am pretty sure most of you have a pile-of-shame and some kind of hobby-related backlog, that is the perfect activity for the upcoming weeks of quarantine, isolation or other precautionary measurements. Either shop at your local gaming store or preferred online shop of your choice, stock up on primer and paints and get it going.

I'll keep working through my review backlog and additional projects. The most recent are the continious expansion of the Adeptus Titanicus project, I've received the two terrain kits, the Civitas Imperialis and Civitas Imperialis Spires, that will most likely be covered next week in addition to the Manufactorum Imperialis. And I managed to prepare the Black Seas kits for the next reviews as well.

Adeptus Titanicus - Civitas Imperialis Ruins Black Seas - Ship Hulks

For those of you, who more about finding a substitution for the cancelled events and / or gaming purposes, might to take a look into the Tabletop Simulator, found on Steam. Of course, it is not a full substitute for moving miniatures across a table, but in the current situation it is probably the closest you can get. In addition there are a couple of Wargaming titles, such as Warhammer Total War or Blood Bowl, who come pretty close to recreating the game. And on top of that, Skype, Discord and such provide a good solution for painting tea party or role playing evening, without having to leave the house / keeping a safe distance.

Blood Bowl 2 Video Game Tabletop Simulator - Zombicide Skype - Malkränzchen

Due to being taken out of action for a whole week, I managed to squeeze in some Netflix and such since the last weekend update. I am in the final season of Star Trek The Next Generation, already had the crossover / introduction to the following Deep Space Nine series (which I'll most likely watch after TNG), as well as the second season of Narcos Mexico.

As for Netflix, Ugly Delicious returned for a second season. I really like the way David Chang approaches the different topics, where as I am not really fond of the way Germany was portrayed in the last episode. And I watched Superman Red Son, playing on Earth 30, where Kal-L landet in the Soviet Union instead of Kansas, growing up to be the posterboy of communism instead of capitalism. I like the animation style, the story was well told. Now we need something like that for Earth 10.

Where the Eagles dare & The Eagle has landed

Maybe I am finally able to go for the two "Eagle" war movies, Where the Eagles dare and The Eagle has landed. But maybe I'll wait with those until I've gone through the Titanicus and Black Seas backlog, before I am motivated to jump back to Bolt Action due to the movies.

That's it for today. Take care, stay safe and avoid unnecessary risks of infection.

Posted by Dennis B.

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