
Adding bits and items to the Rohan settlement

We continue to add matching bits and kits to the Rohan settlement, after looking into the outbuildings by Renedra, a few goods and trade items would be an interesting idea to follow up.

Renedra - Barrels and Fence

As the Rohan House comes with barrels, a few more of these came to mind - and Renedra has that covered as well. They come in two different sizes, can be bought separated by size or in mixed sets. They are casted in brown plastic, so if you're a bit lazy, simply giving them a drybrush and wash would get you something ready-to-play. A mixed set of 5 large and 5 small barrels will cost you around 3,50 GBP.

Renedra covers them five a sprue, each barrel is made from two halves. Simply add glue to the inner sides and you're good to go. They align quite well, but the design does not go around smoothly, so you have a bit of a jump on the hoops.

Renedra - Barrels Renedra - Barrels

Size wise the Citadel barrel fits right in the middle, the large one is a bit larger, the small one a bit smaller. Gives the Rohan barrels a good mix and you can easily boost the amount in your scenery.

Renedra - Barrels Renedra - Barrels

You can group the barrels up, build small barricades to block roads or paths. Or you can add them to house sides or corners.

Renedra - Barrels Renedra - Barrels Renedra - Barrels

But the barrels aren't the only thing that fits the setting. Micro Art Studio produced markets for Wolsung, as well as a great set of piled wares. Ainsty Castings has a broad variety of bits and stuff, that can be used as cargo or wares, and I really like their very affordable crates.

Micro Art Studio - Wolsung Market Micro Art Studio - Wolsung Market Ainsty Castings

So especially if you're going for a more living impression of your scenery, these bits and pieces give your terrain the special edge. In some cases, like warehouse or producing building (like a blacksmith) it is just a very fitting addition, to claim space, create cover and expand the footprint of the building itself.

 The Lord of the Rings - Rohan House with added scenery bits

Some of these pieces come already grouped, but you could probably take a small piece of plastic card (3 to 6 inches long and about an inch deep) and assemble/glue the bits on top of it. That way it is easier to handle, you could align it on the sides/edges of houses/buildings or as mentioned above used as barricades. The old 2002 Warhammer Skirmish book did a brief tutorial on these kind of barricades.

Warhammer Fantasy Skirmish - Barricades

There are plenty of other manufacturers for this kind of scenery. There are even files for 3d printing nowadays, so you have PLA as well as the resin, dental plaster or plastic ones.

Posted by Dennis B.

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