The Rohan settlement grows even further
One of the first kits that came to my mind to extend the settlement were the outhouses by Renedra.
The outhouses / outbuildings are available in multiple variants, like wattle/daub, timber and stone. I wanted to show you the wattle and timber one, but had a mix-up in the other, so the wattle/timber will take its place.At 5 GBP per pack the decision was quite simple. Each building is made from two sprues, the one for the roof is identical in all packs, as all of them have thatched roofs. The second sprue has the same set up but different styles, depending if the building was made from wattle & daub, timber, wattle/timber or stone.
The instructions of these 7 pieces are quite simple. You build a frame out of the walls and add a two piece roof along with a ridge to cover the gap. The cast is okay, not very sharp. But from the experience I had so far with Renedra in general, this seems to be due to the master, not the casting.
Fit is not perfect either, the connecting areas are more of a rough guide than a proper connector. As such it is important for you to make sure this ends up with proper angles. As for the roof, yes it fits on there. That's all. And it is good that the ridge is there as well, to cover the gap.
The details on the walls are okay, a bit soft, so dry brushing might not give you the best results. But the roof is my biggest problem. That just looks like scratched putty, not like a thatched roof. So this either needs some proper resculpting or complete cover-up. Mel the Terrain Tutor has covered 3 methods in this video. I am torn between glueing brush hair down or adding a thin layer of green stuff and brushing it down. It simply can't stay like that.
As for the size, here are the outbildings next to a Rohan house by Citadel. A neat addition to the settlement, as they vary in size and shape.
At a price of 5 GBP or 8 for the double pack you can't do that much wrong. That's a price point at which MDF isn't cheaper (or at least not by much) and scratch building it is too time consuming unless you plan on going directly for a larger number of buildings. Yet, this kit feels a bit without love and I don't really get that, as I can turn a blind eye on the fit, but the lack of details / sharpness is something that actually bothers me, especially with the roof.
Next up I have to take a closer look into the Sarissa buildings and further Renedra equipment.
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