Warhammer World 2018 – Exhibition Centre Part 1
The exhibition hall at Warhammer World has a long tradition and has been redone in a couple of variations. For a short amount of time before the last huge overhaul, it was a medium sized room with show cabinets on all walls, covering the different armies from the Warhammer Fantasy and 40,000 ranges.
But that room is history and was replaced by a much larger installment. The new exhibition centre covers two floors and 4 areas, along with a huge centre piece, The Battle For Angelus Prime, that will be shown further below. Entry is 7,50 GBP per adult, 5 GBP for children from 12 to 17, younger kids are free. There are group and family tickets available as well.
Games Workshop has gathered some of their first products, released back in the days when they were a publishing company, along with going through their archives to bring back some of the first models. Some of these pieces were shown on Games Days (those are called Warhammer Fest now), but are now presented in the first cabinets you see when you enter the exhibition centre.
The cabinets show single miniatures, whole armies and dioramas. From a bit more than 30 years of Games Workshop history. This roughly 20 year old diorama of a bretonian jousting tournament was made by Dave Andrews back in 1996 and won a Golden Demon. It was made using among others miniatures the old bretonian range, sculpted by the Michael and Alan Perry. Some of the civilians are even from older Citadel ranges from the early 1980s.
The first large dioramas is an Age of Sigmar display of Stormcast Eternals versus Khorne Bloodbound. It was the first large piece presented during the release of Age of Sigmar, introducing the new world that would succeed the old Warhammer Fantasy world. This diorama was a "living" diorama, with new units being added, while they were released in the months after the initial release, revealing more and more of the new models and sculpts. And this battle has a lot of miles to it, as it was brought along several trade shows, if I'm not mistaken.
Right around the corner was a diorama of a Warhammer Fantasy Empire city besieged by an orcish Waaagh! Lots of miniatures from the 6th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles and newer editions until Age of Sigmar.
Next to the diorama shown above, where many miniatures from the classic Warhammer Fantasy Empire range displayed. Among them the Marauder Giant from 1990, old empire knights along with the several elector counts and even the unipose plastic kit. Those were some of the miniatures, that got me caught in the hobby. It was the 48,000 Points battle report between Empire and Orcs in White Dwarf UK #221.
It is interesting to see the old armies next to the newer incarnations, like this Orruks tribe.
In each of the areas, you see a mixture of dioramas and displayed armies. Some still in the classic look, others updated for Age of Sigmar with round bases.
This wide spread across different editions and eras goes on not only with the two Warhammer Systems. Blood Bowl for example is displayed in a very similar matter. Including this Goblin team with the new plastic goblins, the Forge World additions and the older 3rd edition miniatures as well. The pitch shown in the lower images were the ones build to be photographed and used as the images from the starter box.
So the exhibition continues, with massive dioramas, army show cases and individual miniatures. From different eras of the games, from some of the latest novelties, over discountinued races and model kits, to some set ups you could spend quite a lot of time to find every little detail the build into it.
This large Nurgle plague-infested fortress shows the current available range, including a Great Unclean One, along with the former Warhammer Forge, now Forge World products and some of the most current releases for Grandfather Nurgle.
But Games Workshop does not only display their own work, but talented wargamers have the chance to have their works be seen at Warhammer World as well. This counts from the guest displays to Golden Demon winners.
The first two areas are focused on the "Old World" and Age of Sigmar. I'll round this up with this sky battle between Kharadron Overlords and the Undead.
As the total coverage of the exhibition centre is nearly 200 pictures, we do a thematical split here, closing on the Old World and continuing with Warhammer 40,000 in the next part.
Link: Games Workshop Warhammer World Exhibition Centre
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Posted by Dennis B.
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