Ad Arma Con 2017
Yesterday on May 6th was the 2017 Ad Arma Con in Speyer. This was the second time for the new event under the new name, and the fourth time in total. So after 400 km I'm back home and want to share my impression. Speyer is in the south of Rhineland Palatina, in the region of Palatina and well known for the Cathedral and the Technik museum.
Of course, no coverage without a proper parking lot picture. When the first year the lot direct to the sport centre was enough, nowadays they although cover the nearby parking lot of the soccer pitch.
Ad Arma Con costs 5 Euros entry and covered a long list of participation and demo games, along with a bring & buy and X-Wing tournament.
At 11 a.m., one hour after the event started, the hosts welcomed the guests. The event is spread over three rooms / halls, traders in each of them and the bring & buy on the gallery.
Right next to the entrance was the table of the Kurpfalz Feldherren, who hosted a 28mm game of Donnybrook by the League of Augsburg. It was a special scenario called "the Petard", part of the nordic wars, the invasion of poland by the swedish.
From Hessia the Tabletop Clup Rhein Main was there as well and hosted a solid AGGRO table. It is a game about the hooligan skirmish in the 70s in the UK. The players take over the role of rivaling gangs and the law trying to get the situation under control. We used the chance to grab a few dice and jump right in.
I stopped at the K'Town Tabletop tables from Kaiserslautern, they were guest at last years Crisis with the impressive castle build, that covers the Burg Hohenecken, which was part of the Bauernkriege. Right next to that they had two small tables with Dead Mans Hand, and I used the chance to give it a try. Fast paced, easy rules and with the updated rules available in German by Stronghold Terrain, I really have to get my hands on the books. The guys even had electronic dice, the U-Dice that were part of a kickstarter back in 2015.
A lot other gaming tables were hosted around the halls, with lots of details and effortful terrain. Among them this Vietnam table in 1:72 by Sturmi of Pink Unicorn.
Baiernkini hosted the a Dragon Rampant with lots of Halflings (by Westfalia Miniatures) in this Sheriff of Nuttyham scenario.
And now for a bunch of pictures in all kinds of different settings and scales, among them Men who would be Kings, Freebooters Fate, Marvel Universe, Cold War Commander, Bolt Action and Test of Honour.
The Bolt Action table, hosted by Ad Arma, used card board buildings along with some of the GaleForce 9 Battlefield in Box terrain.
And the third room covered the X-Wing tournament with 60 starting places.
I had a good time at the event. The tenant of the pub in the sports centre changed, which was an improvement in service. It was great to see so many different systems and well prepared tables. The clubs and hosts really went the extra mile for a proper introduction. And like some of the larger cons, they even managed to have a event miniature.
My loot from the event was manageable. I scored a Ziterdes ruin at the Bring & Buy, got myself Robert Urquhart by Stoessis Heroes (as the british airborne in plastic is right around the corner) and the event dice.
The con will be a fixed event held in the upcoming years. It is definitely worth the trip and if you want to get to know the Ad Arma guys and you're into Bolt Action, take a look at the Grand Tournament in August.
Link: Ad Arma
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Posted by Dennis B.
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