
Moving and cooking

A short update for the summer time. You've seen the coverage on reviews and some recent travels like Salute or the Burg Stahleck.

I've been busy preparing my move in a few weeks. I am trading in this view from my desk in the Chaosbunker.

Ausblick BruederhausVersus this sight from the balcony. I'm really excited, as I am leaving Coblenz after 8 years and heading towards Montabaur.

Schloss Montabaur

In the meantime, I was trying out some new recipes. Like these "taco cupcakes" i found on tasty / buzzfeed.

Taco Cup Cakes

And last weekend, after Burg Stahleck took a break from boardgaming in the evening and got us some nice Entrecote. 650g solid meat, roasted from each side in a cast iron pan and then put into the oven at 160°C/320° F along with tyme and blue cheese. As a side dish rosmary potatos and mangetouts were prepared and two stalks of tomatoes were added to the meat.

Entrecôte Entrecôte Tyme Potatoes

Takes roughly half an hour in the oven, but then we had finished these tasty plates along with some dark beer.


After that we continued gaming and had some fun with Warhammer Diskwars and 7 Wonders Duels.

So in conclusion, what does the move etc. mean for the chaosbunker? Well, my hobby den is a "bit" bigger in the new flat, and I'll be able to set up a gaming table. I am currently avoiding bigger projects to close to the move, as they will be a pain to transport, but be sure there is quite a bit in the queue for when I've arrived at the new chaosbunker and the next weeks will cover a few reviews.

Posted by Dennis B.

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