
Renedra Sandbags

Renedra covers quite a lot terrain plastic kits nowadays and among them is an accessoire sprue with sandbags. These come in single or double pack for 5 / 8 GBP.

Renedra - Sandbags Renedra - Sandbags

The sprues are identical and cover 6 different parts, each multiple times included in the sprue. Two different single sandbags, two strips of 3 and 4 sandbags and two sets of stacked sandbags, that can be combined. The casting is good, the details aren't that crisp and the mold lines need to be cleaned, but it is okay.

Renedra - Sandbags

The sandbags can be combined to set up a defensive line, but you need quite a lot of them to get to a certain height. You see the size comparison with a Bolt Action Soldier on a flat base and a Space Marine on round slottabase.

Renedra - Sandbags Renedra - Sandbags

The parts of this set make a good accessoire to improve vignettes or small dioramas. I used them with my Desert Rats weapon teams, as the sandbags fit nicely below the weapons. You can use them on terrain or vehicles, to set up a gun nest, like on the waggon or to fortify buildings, like the desert hut.

Renedra - Sandbags Renedra - Sandbags Renedra - Sandbags

Renedra released a nice and cheap sprue with this sandbags, that can be used for many purposes. If you're looking to add them in small numbers, they are quite perfect. But if you are looking for something more individual, like putting them on a tank, you need something more flexible. I'd suggest some from Juweela. If you are looking for set up sandbag lines, there are a couple of manufacturers to choose from, for example Lucky Punk, Stronghold Terrain or Secret Weapon Miniatures. The one from Renedra is somewhere in the middle, good use and can be combined with others. And at 5 Pound per sprue or 8 for two, you can't go wrong.

Link: Renedra

Posted by Dennis B.

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  1. Great review, I was considering getting a couple of sprues very helpful links to other choices too

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