
The Walking Dead Bust

A while ago, i found an article online how somebody converted a Walking Dead piggybank into a bust. I remembered, i saw one of those at our local comicbook store, so i head over and checked the price. Below 20 bucks, fine with me!

I started taping the base, so the logo wouldn't be damaged while painting and closed the coin slot in the back with grey stuff. And i fixed some of the joints and minor assembling gaps with grey stuff and vallejo putty.

The Walking Dead - Zombie Bust The Walking Dead - Zombie Bust

After that the bust got a solid black base colour, using Hit Color Belton matt black, and gave it a good highlight with Army Painters matt white primer.

The Walking Dead - Zombie Bust The Walking Dead - Zombie Bust

As i didn't just wanted to start paiting, i played a bit with a colourscheme in photoshop. Greenish skin? Brown-yellow or grey? (well the grey in the last picture looks a bit harsh). What do you think?

The Walking Dead - Zombie Bust The Walking Dead - Zombie Bust The Walking Dead - Zombie Bust

And for reference this is the collectors variant, fully painted, that you can buy.

The Walking Dead - Zombie Bust

The casting and details of this piggybank are quite solid and for less than 20 bucks you get a good model to start from. I never painted a bust or large scaled miniature that size before, so it is something new for me. But i guessed as a first project, this is way more forgiving than using one of those fine busts, that i saw at last weeks Scale Model Challenge.

Well, i hope you liked my idea and maybe a few of you are now heading for the toy store, looking for something that needs a repaint. If you liked the article, leave a comment, let me know what you think, what color i should go for and / or give me a like on Facebook.

Posted by Dennis B.

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