
Easter, Short Holidays and Events

Easter is coming, and i have a short break from work for a couple of days. I started painting the Imperial Knight, as a Freeblade. I did a review on this kit, the Imperial Knight, and while painting it I am still bummed out about the Decal "fraud".

I kept most of the parts unglued, for easier painting. All parts were primed Black, and the armour parts were given a nice primer with Bolt Action German Fieldgrey, a very greenish grey. The metal parts got heavily drybrushed with metal from AP, but will get another go to really bring out the shiny color. As a contrast to the green, i choosed a bronze /brown-gold color for the armour trims. I'll keep working on this model in the next few days.

Freeblade - Paint in Progress Freeblade - Paint in Progress Freeblade - Paint in Progress