
Field of Glory German Open 2013

The first weekend in March was the German Open in Field of Glory. As the local wargaming scene is quite strong in Field of Glory (and warmachine, in both systems the championship winners come from this area), the tournament was held on a nearby castle, the Marksburg.

Field of Glory German Open 2013

The athmosphere is amazing, a historical wargaming event on a castle. The rooms are usually booked for weddings and events like that, but the german open just matches perfectly. I really like Field of Glory and i appreciate its suitability for the competetive gaming, which is rather rare.

Field of Glory German Open 2013 Field of Glory German Open 2013 Field of Glory German Open 2013

They even had a little bring and buy at the event, and among a large amount of 15mm figurines i spotted some oldies but goldies from the classic Blood Bowl range, which i just had to buy. Thanks again to Bodo for them!

Field of Glory German Open 2013

To sum it up, great event, great location. I am really looking forward to the world championship next year, which will be in ... tada! Koblenz as well (with a broad range of side events). I hope in the mean time we can arrange one or the other event on that castle ...

Posted by Dennis B.

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