Kickstarters and Dragonogres
After waiting that long and the big question, what's in it? I started unboxing the first batch of the Sedition Wars biohazard pledge. And to be sure it's complete.
The Strain are quite a huge bunch of miniatures, many poses, many miniatures and many parts. The casting is quite amazing for plastic restic thingy. I wished other tabletop companies would produce that kind of level for their real tabletops, after all we are talking about a "miniature board game". The humans are a little bit disappointing, beside the heroes only 4 poses 🙁
But the next thing is an incredibly old and important question that troubled the minds of many for ages. But thanks to Carsten from Fantasy Warehouse we can now finaly give an answer to it.
Can you use Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures for Warhammer 40,000? Or to be more specific, can Dragon Ogres go Rogue Trader? Yes, Sir, they can!
February 4th, 2013 - 22:39
Na da lag ich mit der Auswahl der Drachenogern als Rezimaterial ja genau richtig 😉
February 7th, 2013 - 17:08
hui… der scifi-drachenoger kann echt was. 🙂 schöne sache! und danke an carsten für die klärung dieses mysteriums ;o)