
Last day of January

A brief review on what was going on within the last days and weeks. In the mid of the month i participated at a Painting Day, brought along my freshly primed Khadorians and bazinga! even did some painting done.

Khador Khador

It was great fun to get back to painting, especially within a group of nice people. You are more motivated, are less likely to get stuck (if there is a question, you just throw it into the room). When i got back home i continued painting on the larger models, like the Colossal. Among the whole thing, i totaly forgot to take care of the battle engine, the gun carriage.


In the small part trade section of the Tabletop Welt, i bought these 3 nice 90s imperial guard miniatures from Talarion. Thanks again for the help with my little project.

Imperial Guard

And mid of the week the long awaited kickstarter finally arrived - Sedition Wars!

Sedition Wars

Keep an eye on the review section to see what's next.

Posted by Dennis B.

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