
WT auf Pz IV, Banner and Conventions

Weekend Update with Seth Meyers ... erm, no. But Weekend Update is right. Busy weekend.

This weekend was the HdR Szenario, a small convention in the Pfalz. Its held at a Inn outside of a small town and used to be on a castle, the Kauzenburg. So a couple of gaming tables, workshops and a few traders. Quite a nice convention.

HdR Szenario 2015 HdR Szenario 2015

Among others there was a total of 3 SAGA tables, all of them with Samurai / Japanese theme. Saga was really strong there, with an Crescent and Cross table and others with Lord of the Rings battle boards. Nice location, okay-ish beer but the food experience was one of the worst of the last few years. Seriously, if you only have 7 dishes on the menu, you should be able to provide those fresh and at reasonable prices. So my suggestion, pay the convention a visit, but avoid eating at the Bonnheimer Hof.

HdR Szenario 2015 HdR Szenario 2015 HdR Szenario 2015

One of the traders, Heer46, produces 1:100 or 15mm tanks that were prototypes in the time of World War 2. This T-100 is one of their newest products, among a new range of 1:56 or 28mm miniatures. I really like this double turret thing, but as i currently have no 15mm products i bought a few custom dice and one of the 28mm miniatures.

Heer46 - T-100

As promissed, i needed a Banner for my spanish Warband for Crescent & Cross. I am playing a Group of Knights from Cantabria / Santander, and am lacking proper banners, so i had to improvise. I went with the yellow-red stripes, added the cantabrian stelae or labaru along with Alpha and Omega, like the roman legions used to do in that area. The text on the small stripes is the revelation 22:13. I am the alpha and the omega, i am the first and the last, i am the beginning and the end.

Cantabrian Banner

I announced, that i'd do another conversion based upon the Panzer IV from Warlord Games. So what do i have in mind? It's this Waffenträger auf Panzer IV, WT auf Pz IV, Gun Carrier on Panzer IV.

Waffenträger auf Pz IV

The new Panzer IV plastic kit from Warlord Games is a good base to start from. And i need a large gun, that could be mounted on the back. Unfortunately the needed 12,8 cm PaK 44 isn't available. I used the largest 75mm PaK 40, but might change it for the parts from the SdKfz 164 Nashorn, which has the 88mm PaK 43.

A lot of cutting to shorten the upper part of the chassis. Filling with plastic card and building a custom mount for the PaK, i have a first pose in progress. The gun shield won't work, so i need to do this by scratch as well.

Waffenträger auf Pz IV Waffenträger auf Pz IV Waffenträger auf Pz IV

So, this was the weekend update. Looking forward to feedback 😉

Posted by Dennis B.

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